Darryl Wolk, January 26, 2014 www.darrylwolk.webs.com
I am asking @darrylwolk not to include me in any of his tweets or any other form of communication
Frank Klees, March 8, 2014 www.twitter.com/frankkleesmpp
Yes ... There are many strange things about this case.
Debora Kelly (Editor in Chief York Region Media Group), Feb 26, 2014 www.twitter.com/dlkyorkeditor
Like many with of you, I have been watching with fascination things unravel around the Stephen Somerville PC nomination / Darryl Wolk Regional Councillor bids this week.
As I anticipated, the allegations of threats against Somerville's family (in some quarters people were claiming these to be threats of death), were groundless according to the York Regional Police.
When asked, Maddie Di Muccio quickly replied that she was not contacted by the police in regards to any investigation.
Jane Twinney has thus far refused to say whether she was questioned in relation to these allegations.
Regional Councillor candidate Darryl Wolk continues to claim that these threats are indeed real, challenging us to believe that perhaps the York Regional Police did not conduct a thorough investigation.
In fact, Wolk has made all sorts of claims that he promises will be proved in due course.
To help readers keep track of some of these allegations, I've listed them below:
- There is a conspiracy within the Ontario PC Party to circumvent the nomination process in selecting the next candidate for the Newmarket Aurora riding
- Wolk is alleging that the conspirators include: sitting MPP Frank Klees; the current president of the Newmarket-Aurora riding association; the past and current president of the PC Party of Ontario (who Wolk claims also lied to the media); and Jane Twinney's Newmarket Council rival, Maddie Di Muccio. Wolk seems to insist that Twinney herself was not aware of this conspiracy.
- There was a key meeting that took place on Valentines Day which included Di Muccio and Klees. No details of this meeting have been spoken about but we know that Somerville dropped out of the race alleging "threats" to his family on February 19th.
- Evidence of this threat exists and somehow the police overlooked it when they decided to drop their case.
If true, this is fodder for Newmarket's own "House of Cards" miniseries.
Yet, I find it hard to give Wolk any credibility to his allegations for a few simple reasons:
- Wolk has said repetitively that Di Muccio was disloyal to Klees and hated by everyone at the local riding association. Despite that, the MPP and high level riding association executives are conspiring with her to orchestrate a victory for Jane Twinney?
- And publicly at least, Di Muccio and Twinney don't appear to like each other. Has 3+ years of animosity just been act?
- Lastly, just what exactly was the Somerville threat about? Are we to believe that there was a credible threat of violence that the police ignored? The very thought seems ridiculous that prominent people within the community - MPP Klees, PC party executives, and Councillor Di Muccio - would plot together in such a brutish manner. It doesn't make sense.
Here is another scenario that I think fits the circumstances. (Already Wolk has made claims that he has failed to provide a scintilla of proof for. To be clear I readily admit that I have no evidence either but I think my theory is much more believable). But when reading on, please remember that this theory is pure speculation on my part.
What if the news that Stephen Somerville's involvement with the Wind Turbine Industry was a surprise to the PC Party? What if the PC Party was concerned that a Somerville candidacy would be too controversial and could potentially lose seats for the party in areas where wind turbines are an important issue?
Imagine if the PC Party then asked Somerville to drop out of the race. Upset at being spurned by the PC Party, could you imagine a scenario where Somerville would have made up the "threat" allegation to save face for dropping out? And when the media asked him for details, could you see Somerville allowing a rumour to be created by Wolk implicating Maddie Di Muccio in his false allegation? As many have pointed out, Wolk is alone in accusing Di Muccio of being involved in this threat.
This situation would certainly explain why Frank Klees posted his tweet yesterday. As a man of honour, perhaps Frank Klees is horrified at what has transpired by the Somerville/ Wolk camp in allowing a lie to get way out of hand? Make no mistake, Frank Klees is sending a clear signal that he disavows what Wolk has been up to.
So there you have it, Newmarket. Two opposite theories. Two different set of villains. In one theory you have a cast of people who have nothing to connect them conspiring against Somerville/ Wolk. In the other theory, you have Somerville/ Wolk connected by a lie that grew beyond their control.
Which theory is more believable?
Sure, sure Darryl Wolk, since Maddie is not allowed to be in the race, she would make a threat against Somerville's family so that Jane Twinney would be acclaimed! Are you hanging out with Rob Ford!