The 2012 third quarter Councillor expense reports were released with little fanfare or promotion from either the Town or the Newmarket Era. Thank you to Councillor Di Muccio for making us aware that this report even existed. Here is the link: usual, there are few details to accompany the expense report. Without these details, residents have no way of knowing if these expenses are legitimate or not. I believe the Town could do a much better job of reporting expenses, including posting copies of invoices as some other municipalities do.
Let's look some of the details we do have focusing specifically on money spent on galas, fundraisers, and event dinners.
Mayor Van Bynen used up over $5,800 of tax payer funds over the first 9 months of the year. Almost $1,500 of that was spent on galas, dinners, art shows etc. (any excuse for the Mayor to put on his tuxedo, I guess). Like many residents, I wonder why we all have to pay for his so-called charity? The Mayor gets two paycheques. Financially, he's doing very well while so many Newmarket taxpayers are struggling to make ends meet. Why can't he pay for these events out of the salary we pay him?
Compare the Newmarket Mayor with the Mayor of Toronto. Rob Ford is well known for being generous too. The difference is that Rob Ford is generous with his time (giving many hours of his free time to coach high school football). The Newmarket Mayor is generous with our money (not his). That's a sign of a politician who wants to appear to be charitable but really he's faking it.
Van Bynen's closest ally, Regional Councillor Taylor is equally generous spending other people's money. In the first 9 months of the year, Taylor has wined and dined at local charity and fund raising events to the tune of over $1,800 of your money. Like the Mayor, Taylor receives a decent salary from taxpayers could easily pay this money out of his own wallet. Yet, like the Mayor, he thinks its better that you and me pay for his wining and dining instead.
One question that I don't know the answer to, does the Town of Newmarket purchase these charity gala tickets on behalf of the Mayor, Regional Councillor or other Council members, or does the Mayor/ Regional Councillor/ Councillor purchase the ticket themselves and then submit for reimbursement? The reason to question this distinction is concerning who gets the tax receipt issued? I would hate to think that these people are pocketing the tax receipt for a gala that's been paid for by the taxpayers.
Ward 1 Councillor Vegh has an item on his expense report - Southlake Hospital Fundraiser for $300. This amount is an example of why the Town does itself no service by not providing details of expenses. Comparing the Mayor's $150 for the Southlake Mardi Gras Gala and Regional Councillor John Taylor's $150 for the Southlake Fundraiser, one can only assume that Ward 1 Councillor Vegh purchased 2 tickets to the same event. In other words, not only is the taxpayer on the hook for Vegh's so-called "charity", we're also paying for his wife's too? If that's the case, his abuse of his spending account is truly scandalous. As a taxpayer, I am outraged if this is indeed true.
Like the others, Vegh is paid a good salary by the taxpayers. If he feels inclined to give $1.200 to the hospital, the Alzheimer Society, or Crime Stoppers, why isn't he giving from his own money? Why is he inflicting his "charity" on us?
Councillor Kerwin's spending on these items is just over $350. While less than some of his colleagues, its still an outrageous amount to saddle the taxpayer with.
Back to the big spenders (with
your money that is), Ward 3 Councillor Jane Twinney spent over $1,400 to dress up fancy and get photographed by SNAP. Maybe Councillor Twinney has a special affinity for myriad of causes she appears to "support" (with
your money)
but why doesn't she support them with her own money? If the cause is so important to her, certainly Councillor Twinney could donate from her own purse. Charity begins at home, does it not?
Councillor Hempen isn't shy about using your money for his photo op purposes either. Item 8 listed as "Fundraising Event August 20 $160" raises concerns for me. Surely, the Town of Newmarket didn't write a cheque to "Fundraising Event". It seems more than probable that Councillor Hempen paid for a ticket out of pocket and then asked the Town to reimburse him and perhaps Councillor Hempen didn't provide any details of what the ticket was for. If this was for a charity, to whom did the the charity tax receipt get issued to? (Usually tax receipts are sent to the purchaser). Somebody needs to look into this item with a fine tooth comb. Again, without providing details of expenses, the Town is only causing a lot doubts and questions. The Town of Newmarket looks really bad because of its policy not to be transparent with expenses.
Councillor Sponga's expense report is interesting. For some reason, he can attend the Federation of Cdn Municipalities 2012 Conference for $300 whilst Mayor Van Bynen charged the taxpayers $2,800 for his expenses to the FCM conference. I'm assuming its the same event. Did the Mayor live high off the taxpayer funded hog while Councillor Sponga was more frugal? Given the money the Mayor spent on gala dinners (to which Sponga spent none), it seems clear that Sponga's expense report shows the Mayor living the "cavier dreams" lifestyle with your money.
Councillor Di Muccio at $20 is the lowest of all Council. Yet, reviewing photos on her twitter feed, residents know that she is charitable with her time and money. She is rarely photographed by SNAP at the fancy galas but we see her helping at the CIBC Run for the Cure, at the Terry Fox Run, and helping out with minor sports, such as football. I recommend that the other Council members look to Councillor Di Muccio for a good example of what the public expects.
Lastly, Councillor Chris Emanuel is biggest spender of all. His total expenses exceed even the Mayor's. He has spent over $1,500 on his so-called "charity" with taxpayers footing the bill for his dinners, galas, etc. Of particular concern is item 17 where it appears he has purchased lunch for Councillor Sponga. Although the dollar amount is small, the taxpayer is wondering why are we paying for two councillors to lunch? What's next? High tea?
I don't understand why our Council seems to have so much trouble reigning in their expenses? It seems they just don't get it. Taxpayers are more than fed up with funding their "night out on the town". Our charities do good work. Newmarket is a charitable community which is why so many galas take place here. Many of us are generous with our time and money. These Councillors are insulting us all when they attend the same events we do, lining up for photos and asking the emcees to announce them, while sending the bill to the taxpayer. These Councillors should be leading by example.