Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Us vs. Them Politics in Newmarket

The battle lines are being drawn for the 2014 election and it's going to be an "Us vs. Them" election.  Or more precisely, "Us vs. Her".  The wagons are being circled around the Van Bynen/ Taylor camp and they are doing everything they can can to show Di Muccio as an outsider.

For months, we've been hearing certain Councillors saying they can't work with the Ward Six Councillor.  Her "behaviour" and her "antics" disqualify her from any cooperation on their part.  Yet it was a gigantic eye-opener at this week's Council meeting to see the Mayor trying to prevent her from putting a motion on the table to be voted on.  Thank goodness the Clerk was there to prevent a travesty against the democratic process. 

Let's review the events of the past 2 months:
- Taylor convinces council to hire an integrity commissioner against her because she exposed his duplicity in her Toronto Sun column
- Van Bynen/ Taylor team up to reject her offer to collaborate on a new expense policy
- Van Bynen/ Taylor embarrass themselves by stridently defending DUI convicted Councillor Emanuel's pride when Di Muccio suggested that Council help out at Operation Red Nose.
- Last night Van Bynen and Twinney take a roll call of Council members attending the Metro Bowl but forget to mention Di Muccio.  It may not seem like a big deal but to me it epitomizes the sentiment at Town Hall. 
- And how many recent Council votes have been tallied at 8-1?

I have to say that it is a very bizarre strategy on the part of Van Bynen/ Taylor.  In a democracy, "insiders" don't usually outnumber the "outsiders".  From the people I talk to, the public sentiment favours a shake up at Town Hall.  This might spell good news for a Di Muccio 2014 bid. 

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