When MP Dean Del Maestro suggested that all users of the Internet should be identified when posting an opinion, almost every newspaper and journalist in Canada mocked him for this viewpoint. Ironically, Debora Kelly of the Era seems to be espousing Del Maestro's idea but this blog questions her motiviations. How much stock should we put into the Era Editor's column regarding municipal blogs and twitter accounts that are written anonymously? I don't pretend to read them all but certainly I can't see any reasonable person subscribing to her viewpoint. Let's place it in context.
1) Hypocritical - Newspapers publish anonymous opinion pieces with almost every edition. They are called editorials. Editorials are anonymous because the newspaper feels that the opinion being expressed is paramount to the identity of the writer. The ideas are important and only the ideas should be discussed. It forces the debate to be about the issue.
Locally, the Era wrote an editorial in the summer of 2011 calling on Councillor Emanuel to resign when he was caught drinking and driving. Councillor Emanuel's supporters went on line demanding to know why the editorial did not have a named writer. At the time, Debora Kelly rightly defended the practice of anonymity.
2) Political - If the shoe was on the other foot, if my support was wholeheartedly in the Van Bynen/ Taylor camp, I would guarantee you that I would be supported and even lauded by some factions. Anonymity wouldn't be an issue if the view point of this blog was in their camp. It's not surprising that Councillor Di Muccio has been defending my blog since the column was published. She likely sees the popularity of my blog as a boon for her political fortunes so its within her best interests to defend my credibility and reputation.
If there is any doubt about this, look at how many of these same people who condemn my blog will converse with www.newmarketfreepress.ca via twitter. Despite being anonymous as well, the Newmarket Free Press is more benign (but certainly holds many similar viewpoints as my own blog - I enjoy reading the editorials posted there).
As I said many times before I wish I didn't have to write this blog. I wish we had a local media that covered the news stories that people like me feel are important. The Era is supportive of the current Van Bynen/ Taylor administration (which is their right to have their own opinion), but it causes the paper to avoid issues that make the Mayor and Regional Councillor appear in a bad light. Examples include: soaring debt loads at the York Regional government, issues with closed door meeting transparency, and racist vandalism. Newmarket residents had to rely on the Toronto media to report these stories. Even when these stories break in the Toronto media, the Era refuses to do a more thorough follow up. In a nutshell, the Era's political bent has harmed it's news reporting credibility.
3) Economical - Throughout the mainstream media these days, there are scads of stories about how newspapers are struggling to compete with social media. Large media companies such as Torstar, Bell Globe Media, and QMI are announcing paywall subscriptions for their media websites as more and more people are flocking to the Internet for news and opinions.
Locally, my blog is getting an audience. Some of the same people who are advocating that the public should ignore my blog because it is anonymous are amongst my most voracious readers and supporters of the Van Bynen camp. I appreciate their regular visits even if they don't agree with my opinions.
Advertisers are certainly aware that printed media is waning because it is disadvantaged by social media competitors. Therefore it should be no surprise that a newspaper is trying to suppress readership of a social media competitor.
Among the advantages of my blog versus the Era is that I comment on items that aren't being written about elsewhere. I publish and will not rebut any comments posted by readers (as long as they are written in good taste and on topic). Juxtapose that with the Era which oftentimes will not publish letters to the editor from the public. My blog allows people on the twitterverse to argue for/against any of my views in realtime.
4) Agenda - Mayor Van Bynen, Regional Councillor Taylor and the Era are very closely linked. For example, the publisher is a colleague of the Mayor and Regional Councillor on the Newmarket Economic Development Committee. The Editor serves on the Belinda's Place board with the Mayor. The Era is tight with the Van Bynen/ Taylor group. The Town of Newmarket is a major advertiser of the Era. Its no surprise that the Era supports the status quo, (even to the extent of ignoring real news to keep these men in good light).
A while back, I wrote a letter to the editor that was published by the Era that was very mildly critical of a certain municipal politician. After it was published, I was contacted by that politician. He wanted to argue with me about my letter. Well if every person with an opposing opinion can expect to be harangued, is it any wonder why some of us would choose to be anonymous?
In summary, to the main extent, her column was "inside baseball." As much as the columnist was questioning the credibility of certain bloggers, she never provided instances. Whereas the columnist holds the position that certain blogs "attack" municipal politicians, she never gave any examples. My question to Ms. Kelly is if she isn't able to reference any concrete examples to support her views, then who truly has the issue with credibility?
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