Some long time readers may roll their eyes when I get after Councillor Emanuel about his drinking and driving escapade. Honestly, I might be able to forgive an ordinary person for the crime and property damage. But Councillor Emanuel? No bloody way.
Let's review:
Councillor Emanuel attended the opening of a new business in Newmarket. He drank himself into a stupor. The establishment requested that he take a cab. He refused saying that he had a designated driver. The new business could have lost their liquor license and potentially their business because of his very selfish act of drinking and driving.
Councillor Emanuel, was "at work" when this happened. He introduced himself as "Councillor" in this video here (acknowledging that he understood that he was on the job: (skip ahead to the 1:05 mark of the video to see Councillor Emanuel at work).
While it's not actually a crime to be intoxicated while working, are there any situations where it could be considered appropriate? If the Newmarket Code of Conduct doesn't apply to public intoxication, (as Mayor Van Bynen says here:, then the Code of Conduct needs to be updated. We can't have drunk councillors voting on how to spend money, approving residential and commercial construction projects, and enacting new bylaws. I'm certain that 100% of Newmarket residents would agree with me on that.
Since his conviction, residents have witnessed a lot of arrogance and very little remorse from Councillor Emanuel. It is extremely inappropriate for Councillor Emanuel to be speaking to school children about "Civics" (unless the topic is about the evils of drink). It is super extremely inappropriate for Councillor Emanuel to be involved in anything to do with violence against women (given the statistics between the crime and alcohol use). It is ridiculous that he continues represent Newmarket on the Fire Department Board (as indicated here: given that our fire fighters are the front line responders coming face to face with the very real consequences of excessive drinking and many must be emotionally scarred by the carnage created by perpetrated by the likes of Councillor Emanuel.
What takes the cake is Councillor Emanuel allowing a charity group to call him a "Star".
- 300,000 people were injured by drinking and driving in 2009 according the MADD. A "Star" you say?
- Over $20 billion in actual damages caused by drunk drivers like Councillor Emanuel in 2009 says MADD. Money that should have be used to house the homeless, feed the hungry, and treat the sick is instead paying for needless injuries, deaths, and property damage. Yet Councillor Emanuel is a "Star"?
- How Star-like is Councillor Emanuel when academic studies show that 45% of domestic violence occurrences were directly related to the abuse of alcohol?
I'm not just angry at Councillor Emanuel. We all learned that he had no scruples when he refused to resign as the Newmarket Era called him to account:
Why are the Mayor and Regional Councillor allowing him to be called a "Star" by either promoting or attending the Dream Halloween charity event? I look forward to picking up the next edition Snap to see which other members of Newmarket Council attended. Their attendence sets a very poor example that drinking and driving isn't a serious offense.
For those who support Councillor Emanuel and who have argued with me that there is nothing seriously wrong with a drunken politician, I challenge you to learn the facts of what criminals like him have done to our community. Look at crime stats, victim statements, and the real costs of drinking and driving. Stop rolling your eyes and get informed. The injuries, pain, and costs are very, very real.
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