If the Mayans got their calculations right, we have only a few days left on this mortal coil until mass extinction rains down upon us from outer space. With our own impending disaster in mind, lets give some thought to when the last global catastrophic event occurred almost 65 million years ago. When scientists find fossils they marvel at the variety of dinosaurs that once dominated the planet. We make up names and try to explain the uniqueness of the features in the imprints of bones. We learn as much as we can about these creatures from millions of years long ago.
What will scientists 65 million years into the future think of the bones they find of those who perish at the end of the Mayan Calendar era? More specifically, what would the fossils of Newmarket Councillors tell those who inhabit our planet millions of years from now?
1) The Veghoceras - The Veghoceras is prime example of the types of politicians who seemed to proliferate in this time. Similar to the Jurassic era Stegoceras, the Veghoceras is most notable for walking on two legs and having a incredibly thick skull. While scientists have no clear explanation why the Veghoceras' skull was so thick, it is assumed that this species used it for butting heads with other politicians.
2) The Kerwinacanth - The Coelacanth is also known as the dinosaur fish. Thought to have been extinct millions of years ago, the coelacanth shocked scientists when it was discovered in Indonesia in 1938. Similarly the Kerwinacanth is popularly known as a politician living outside its time. We can only imagine that the scientists from millions of years in the future will be equally surprised to find that the Kewinacanth has survived the Mayan Calendar apocalypse and was still occupying a seat on Newmarket Council.
3) The Twinneyasaurus - Scientists will remark on the Twinneyasaurus' chameleon like nature. Changing her colours based on her emotions, or the media spotlight, or the political temperature, this species will go from blue, to red, to orange and then to green. Undoubtedly, this ability to change her political stripes has confused many of those who once voted for her.
4) The Hempenasaur - The fossils of the Hempenasaur are a very rare find in the future. Scientists have hypothesized that the rarity of the fossils were due to this species ability to avoid contact with other species and a superior ability to hide. Conjecture that this creature's ability to vote against projects designated for his ward contributed to his ultimate demise.
5) The Spongaceratops - Very little is known about the Spongaceratops because there is no fossil evidence that this species had ever exisited. Its existence is based on theoretical evidence only. Like the prehistoric jelly fish, the Spongaceratops left no fossils because it did not possess a backbone.
6) The Dimuccioraptor - Although diminutive sized, this species of politician was much feared by other political species of the day due to her ability to take on and defeat much larger prey. The Dimuccioraptor is a cunning predator that uses strategy to ambush the slower witted species of the political savanna. Scientists theorize that this species of politician was known for chewing up and spitting out the bones of anyone who dared to cross her.
7) The Emanuelosaurus - This species of politician is imagined to have the odd behaviour of crashing into things and causing much damage. Scientists can only speculate at the nature of such behaviour and they are confused by the criminal record that was found in the vicinity of this species' fossils. Scientists of the future have no explanation why an Emanuelosaurus would be allowed to share the political savanna with the other political species if it had a criminal record.
8) The Taylorpod - This species is most notable for being incredibly tall. While being slow moving, scientists believe the Taylorpod was generally a herd animal. Fossils seem to indicate that the Taylorpod is known to have travelled in mixed herds which included Emanuelosaurus, Hempenasaur, Twinneyasaurus and Veghoceras. This herd mentality is believed to be a defensive manoeuvre to ward off attacks from the Dimuccioraptor.
9) The Vanbynendactyl - The Vanbynendactyl is best remembered as a political species that prefers to fly above the fray. Although scientists believe the Vanbynendactyl was a meat eater, there is no fossil evidence to prove that this species possessed any real teeth. Scientists believe that the Vanbynendactyl preferred to perch himself above the other political species of the savannah only to swoop in when the opportunity to score a quick photo op presented itself. The Vanbynendactyl's ability to drop in and then fly off makes scientists believe the characteristics of this species to be more reptilian-like.
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