Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Southlake Foundation Update

I was challenged by a reader that my previous story (here) on the mass resignations from the Southlake Hospital Foundation was wrong.  This reader said this story (here) was the real reason why these members resigned.

My source was actually remarkably accurate for someone who acknowledged not being in the room during this late June closed door meeting.  Every single detail was true, with exception to the identity of the person whom the hospital's administration wanted to turf.

I went back to my source and asked about the Ms. Poscente, the current (but possibly impermanent) CEO of the Southlake Foundation.

My source observed two items of note.  First, even if the hospital administration may have been gunning for Neila, the former Foundation Chair (and local donut store owner) Jim Alexander'a statement doesn't explain why she ended up as a candidate for termination by the hospital's administration.

Secondly, my source says that heavyweights like Newmarket Mayor Tony Van Bynen and Aurora Mayor Geoff Dawe have been making phone calls to Mr. Alexander and friends to try and mend fences.

My source still feels certain that Steve Hinder was the real target of hospital administrators.  It is suggested that perhaps Neila Poscente was asked to seek Mr. Hinder's departure from the Foundation and she wasn't willing or able to carry that task out.  As a power struggle ensued between the Foundation and the people who actually run the operations at the hospital, the only way to resolve the matter effectively was to seek Neila's termination.

Because every other detail of what my source said was incredibly accurate, I have no doubt about the claim of a power struggle between the Foundation and hospital administrators.  At very least, the people who run the golf tournaments and organize the Mardi Gras Ball seem to have gotten a little too big for their britches in the eyes of hospital management and seeking Neila's termination was the way to reign this renegade group in again.

It is so embarrassing that these so-called "community leaders" like Jim Alexander and friends have put a blight on our town and hospital with their child-like antics.  Their lack of character have taken a world class health care facility and lessened it because they wanted to be "in charge".  That kind of behaviour may be acceptable in the drive thru lane at the local donut store but it isn't acceptable at the leadership levels of our hospital.  

If you wish to voice your disapproval to what these most disloyal former members of the Southlake Foundation board are alleged to have done, may I humbly suggest that you donate to the hospital today?  You can donate by following this link:  Donate to Southlake

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