Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Is Van Bynen keeping us in the dark about our library?

Two years ago, I wrote about the need for the public library to amalgamate within York Region in order to save money and provide better services to the community. You can read that editorial by clicking here

So it comes as no surprise that the Towns of Whitchurch Stouffville, Aurora and Newmarket are considering just that. Stouffville Council members learned that talks were already underway for the three communities to work together on providing library service at their council meeting last night.

The biggest surprise of the evening was a tweet from Newmarket Library CEO that he wasn't aware of any of this.

It appears that the Town of Newmarket is working behind the backs of the Newmarket Library Board and its CEO.

We'll have to see how this plays out, but the CEO and the NPL Board being shut out of these types of discussions seems to undermine the autonomy of those members.

Are we surprised about Newmarket mayor Tony Van Bynen's secrecy? Closed door meetings and back room deals is how he and his administration operates.

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