Sunday, 26 October 2014

Van Bynen's Da Vinci Code

The problem with plots and schemes involving the Masons is that it is so difficult to get someone to come forward to oppose this secret society.  Because tomorrow is election day, I'm going to focus on "Why" Mayor Van Bynen did what he did and will fill in with missing evidence (the "How") later on. 

Tony Van Bynen has surveyed the potential outcomes of tomorrow's election and has determined that there isn't one that he doesn't end up on the losing side. 

The issue for Van Bynen isn't necessarily one of his opponents but Maddie Di Muccio. 

Van Bynen is pulling out all stops to discredit Di Muccio in a desperate attempt to mitigate what she intends for him.  

He is a Mason (which is a secret society of old, white, protestant men who have grandiose beliefs that they are people of influence).  He has called upon his Mason brothers to help him with money, lawn signs, and even running fully financed candidates in wards 6 and 7 to oppose Di Muccio and John B. You will see evidence of this when ward 6 candidate Kelly Broome-Plumley and ward 7 candidate Christina Bisanz release their campaign donor list (a veritable who's who list of the local Masons) after the election. 

But even if Van Bynen is elected, that doesn't solve his Di Muccio problem.  

Di Muccio out manoeuvred the Mayor when she ran her husband in Ward 7.  There can be no doubt that with two people on the side of taxpayers sitting on council, it will be next to impossible for Van Bynen to deliver on the fat consulting contracts he has been promising to various people over the past twelve months.  The richest of these contracts is in relation to his proposed broadband scheme. 

Try as he might to keep these contracts hidden from the public, with someone backing her, Di Muccio can force a public debate and then use her superior intellect and media relations skills to shame him. 

So when Van Bynen turned to the Masons, (and believe me, Di Muccio is everything that the Masons oppose - she's young, female, smart as a whip, and - gasp - not a protestant), they were only too happy to get involved. 

If Van Bynen loses but Di Muccio and John B. win, expect that this will be the last anybody hears of Tony Van Bynen ever.  He won't have a street or park named after him.  His time on council will be completely lost to the annals of time. 

If Van Bynen wins and Di Muccio and John B. win, expect that Van Bynen's tenure as mayor to be measured in months.  He won't make it to the end of his term.  He'll either negotiate a graceful exit with Di Muccio or she will start revealing (as John B has promised) details of the Soccer Club loan and other nefarious dealings that will see him resign in shame. 

If Van Bynen wins and Di Muccio wins but John B loses, this one is the most interesting outcome.  If Van Bynen felt that Di Muccio hated him before, then add a dash of vengeance to their relationship.  I expect that "scorched Earth" will be the headline of the day.

If Van Bynen wins, Di Muccio loses but John B. wins, this is interesting too.  The "Mad Maddie" tag doesn't apply to John B.  With Maddie directing him to which rocks to look under and then John B. questioning publicly the things he uncovers, the Mayor doesn't stand a chance.  He can try to hide in secret meetings but John B has already shown that he has no hesitation about leaking confidential info that Van Bynen wanted kept secret. 

If Van Bynen wins and both Di Muccio and John B. loses, it's game over for Van Bynen.  Maddie has attended the closed door meetings and with no oath of confidentiality holding her back, expect the Toronto media to be camped outside Town Hall as all the corruption is made public.   

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