The lengths that the elites (also knows as the Old Boys) of Newmarket will go through to attempt to muzzle ordinary people as represented by Ward 6 Councillor Maddie Di Muccio never fails to amaze me.
The Newmarket Era newspaper is running last year's "Councillor calls Newmarket mayor a misogynst" story under the heading of LATEST LOCAL NEWS.
The newspaper's publisher, Jim Proudfoot, is a charter member of the Old Boys Club of Newmarket. His paper relies on your tax dollars as the Town of Newmarket is one of his largest advertising accounts.
The only explanation for dredging up an old news story and passing it off as current is Dirty Politics.
Dirty politics? Here is what is at stake for the Old Boys Club of Newmarket.
They like having a council that will pass around millions in council grants and interest free loans to their businesses without any scrutiny. This money comes from the taxes you pay.
They like having a council that will spend tens or even hundreds of millions of public funds helping their businesses grow with broadband internet service. Your tax dollars again are working for the elites to get them more profits.
They also like when the town spends millions on pet projects like scanning back issues of the Era through the shadowy Shared Digital Infrastructure scheme.
But Councillor Di Muccio asks too many questions about this spending. She has made them look bad for keeping this spending hidden from the public (such as this article in the Toronto Sun:
Her respect for the taxpayer mantra has become an inconvenient truth for these elites. Even Mayor Van Bynen's latest election material acknowledges transparency as an election issue.
And as I wrote earlier, they seem to have invested heavily in her opponent unseating her in this election.
It is a battle being waged on two fronts. Causing these elites to lose sleep is the campaign of Maddie's husband in Ward 7. Having both Maddie and John B. on Council would be a game changer for the ordinary taxpayer and these elites don't like it.
To borrow from Maddie's 2010 election campaign: Expect More.
As we get closer to election day, expect more mudslinging against Maddie and John B. Expect more dirty tricks like old headlines mysteriously reappearing, vandalised signs, and other hijinx. And dare I say it, expect more - ahem - voting irregularities as the old boys pull out all the stops to take Maddie down.
As ordinary taxpayers, this means we have to do more. Make sure you get out to vote. Don't re-elect this lousy Mayor and don't re-elect his cronies. Make sure Maddie and John B. are elected and then hold the new council accountable to us, with our taxes supporting our needs and not the bottom line profits of the Old Boys of Newmarket.
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