Friday, 11 April 2014

Jane Twinney Embellishes her Voting Record on Tax Increases

At the Newmarket Aurora PC nomination meeting, Jane Twinney was anxious to establish her conservative bona fides.  The Auroran was on hand to report on her speech.

PC Candidate Jane Twinney had this to say:
“My record at the municipal level espouses my conservative values. I have voted against budgets when taxes were not kept under specified target amounts set by my council; that included a vote against a tax levy I didn’t feel had the opportunity to go through proper consultation."

 I highlighted her comments on the budget votes because she embellished.  Whereas Twinney wants to re-create herself as a tax fighter, the truth is that she only voted against a budget on one occasion.  Every other time she raised her hand supporting higher taxes for Newmarket families.   
Here are the voting records on tax increases for Newmarket Council members, (all of these were recorded votes and confirmed in the minutes of the council meeting). 
Councillor Twinney's record on taxes isn't something she should be bragging about.  Maybe that's why she embellished it for the media. 

2014 Tax Increase vote -

In Favour:
Mayor Van Bynen, Regional Councillor Taylor, Councillor Emanuel, Councillor Hempen, Councillor Kerwin, Councillor Sponga, Councillor Twinney, Councillor Vegh
Councillor Di Muccio
(8 in favour, 1 opposed)


2013 Special Levy -

In Favour:
Mayor Van Bynen, Councillor Emanuel, Councillor Hempen, Councillor Kerwin, Councillor Sponga, Councillor Vegh
Regional Councillor Taylor, Councillor Twinney, Councillor Di Muccio
(6 in favour, 3 opposed)


2013 Tax Increase vote -

In Favour:
Mayor Van Bynen, Regional Councillor Taylor, Councillor Emanuel, Councillor Hempen, Councillor Kerwin, Councillor Sponga, Councillor Vegh
Councillor Twinney, Councillor Di Muccio
(7 in favour, 2 opposed)


2012 Tax increase vote -

In Favour:
Mayor Van Bynen, Regional Councillor Taylor, Councillor Emanuel, Councillor Hempen, Councillor Kerwin, Councillor Sponga, Councillor Twinney, Councillor Vegh
Councillor Di Muccio
(8 in favour, 1 opposed)


2011 Tax increase vote -

In Favour:
Mayor Van Bynen, Regional Councillor Taylor, Councillor Emanuel, Councillor Hempen, Councillor Kerwin, Councillor Sponga, Councillor Twinney, Councillor Vegh
Councillor Di Muccio
(8 in favour, 1 opposed)


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