Friday, 1 March 2013

Why is Nwkt Council so Afraid of Twitter, Blogs and Facebook?

I read with quite a bit of dismay in the Era that there are plans to include "social media" in the Council Code of Conduct.  I can certainly understand why the Van Bynen/ Taylor two-some would want that.  They have been getting their backsides handed to them over the Internet for over two years but rather than "fight back" they would opt to censor instead?  Ridiculous.

If it wasn't for Twitter, Facebook, and blogs, Newmarket residents would have no idea what is happening at Newmarket town hall.  The Era is too selective in the news it reports and tends to focus on light pieces, (to compete with SNAP, I guess) rather than provide us with hard news.  This is why the biggest news stories regarding Newmarket have been reported in social media first.

Want examples?

1) Chris Emanuel's DUI arrest
2) Closed door meetings fiasco
3) Councillors abuse taxpayer money by spending on galas and fancy dress parties
4) Votes against transparency and open government particularly with avoiding posting voting records and spending account information on line
5) Vegh scandals - the c-word and going to work for John Taylor's dad who happens to sit on the Newmarket Tay Hydro board
6) Taylor charity scandal
7) Vegh and Hempen in camera confidentiality breach
8) Taylor in camera confidentiality breach
9) Inclusive policy for street naming
10) That we have a street in Newmarket named after this guy:
11) Van Bynen spending well beyond other councillors to attend the same London conference
12) Town of Newmarket/ Newmarket Cares exclusion of @joepsonga
13) Green slush funds abuses
14) Stinky Newmarket water (smells of chlorine)
15) Live streaming meetings to the Internet
16) VIVA/ YRT strike and the flip/flop of Twinney
17) Emanuel "Hero/ Star" status at YR Women's Hallowe'en gala
18) Emanuel speaking to school aged kids, scouts etc. about "Civics" although he is a criminal

And I'm sure this list could even be expanded further.  All of these important news items broke first in social media and the majority of these items have never actually been reported in the mainstream media as of yet. 

You will often hear our municipal politicians speak about Newmarket being one of the best communities to live in.  This is only true if you block out the rotten smell coming from Van Bynen/ Taylor's administration.  But for as long as the Era and Rogers continue to ignore the stench from Newmarket Town hall, blogs like mine are way too important to give up.

Regular readers of this blog know that is the only reason why I write this blog - to comment on the news that is being missed by the Era.  I've promised the editor of the Era that I would stop once her paper started to report on these things.  That's a promise I intend to keep.

Until then, I encourage every elected official to use the freedom of social media to keep your voters informed.  Don't just publish drivel because that assumes that the public is a bunch of morons.  We're more than capable of understanding the hard issues behind a Glenway and a Slessor Square amongst others.  Closed door meetings concerning major development decisions that will alter the face of our community are in themselves immoral and need to stop. 

Don't attempt to silence social media Councillors.  Celebrate it.  We have an engaged community in Newmarket.  Don't lock us out.   

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