This is going to be the most damning blog that I have ever written. I have read through Councillor Di Muccio's articles, her recent blog, and the Integrity Commissioner's report and can only come to one conclusion. Councillor Di Muccio is right!
In Newmarket, we have a government that is careening towards despotism and I don't use that word as an exaggeration. What else, other than despotic, can it be when the laws of the government are used exclusively for political purposes.
Here are the facts:
Di Muccio breaches her oath and her articles and blog never deny her actions. Is she the first to have done it? No, because apparently she has made a complaint against other Council members. Here is a quote from her blog:
At that time, Councillors Hempen and Vegh sent out a media release, signatures attached, blatantly discussing the details of the Library Board in camera meeting I was kicked out of. As I understood the Municipal Act, this conduct was illegal, and so I immediately advised the Corporation of the Town of Newmarket via an email and demanded an investigation.
Not only was it not investigated, it was never acted upon. But a year later, these two men were among the rest who demanded Integrity Commissioner Suzanne Craig to investigate me for the exact same and alleged breach.
Is she the only person to have breached her oath with regards to the Sunday Sun article published in the paper? No, because as she points out, here are two Era stories that mention Regional Councillor John Taylor's name:
Councillor Di Muccio says she gave these documents to the Integrity Commissioner and I have read the Integrity Commissioner's report with a fine tooth comb, but there is no mention of Councillors Vegh, Hempen and Regional Councillor Taylor in that report.
What is mentioned is this:
[67] In explaining her actions subject to the investigation, the Respondent has stated that in the past, Council allowed other councillors to publicly speak about in camera discussions and that she perceives the apparent arbitrary enforcement of the rules against her now to be unfair ....
[70] I have carefully reviewed the responses of the Respondent and find that while she appears to demonstrate a desire to be part of a transparent governance structure at the Town of Newmarket, she has not established either that she was unaware of how to raise her disagreement ...
[71] In making my decision, I took into consideration that the Town has in place a Procedure By-Law that contains rules regarding in camera meetings, in addition to the fact that the Town's senior officials provided information sessions to newly elected Members of Council on rules pertaining to the exercise of their duties, including the rules that relate to confidentiality.
Here is the crux of the matter.
Sure you can have rules and procedures etc., but when the Mayor of Newmarket refuses to recognize them by refusing to investigate the serious allegations Councillor Di Muccio has made against Councillor Vegh, Councillor Hempen and Regional Councillor Taylor, and by all indications has unfairly and arbitrarily applied them exclusively to his political opponents while shielding his political allies, then the Mayor and his admistration have crossed the line. Credibility has been lost.
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