Thursday, 21 July 2016

Either Councillor Dave Kerwin has laryngitis, or ....

Dave Kerwin doesn't intend to be at Monday's meeting when Council decides how it will fill the vacant Ward 5 seat:

Which begs the question: if Mr. Kerwin was taking the time to draft a letter about how he would have voted on July 25th, could he not have included in his letter an explanation to his constituents as to why he was missing this vote?

It would seem common courtesy to his constituents is taking a back seat to Kerwin's need to showboat.

Kerwin wants the people to know he believes in democracy.

All well and good except that the Councillor who voters in Ward 2 have elected over and over again couldn't be bothered to come out and vote himself on July 25th.

No wonder municipal voter turnout is so low. Council member turnout at meetings and committees isn't setting much of an example.

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