In US politics, much was made when the former "Grand Wizard" of the Klu Klux Klan endorsed Donald Trump for President.
Remember Trump's infamous CNN interview when Jake Tapper asked him to denounce David Duke's support? Here is what he said:
"Well, just so you understand, I don't know anything about David Duke. OK? I don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So, I don't know. I don't know, did he endorse me or what's going on, because, you know, I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists. And so you're asking me a question that I'm supposed to be talking about people that I know nothing about."
In Newmarket, we have our own dark history with racism, sexism and other exclusionary tactics. It still goes on today, and one of the frequent targets are people of middle-eastern descent. Longer term residents will recall the very public negativity surrounding the establishment of a mosque in our town.
But we aren't alone with this problem. In Austria, MP Richard Lugar has compared refugees fleeing the civil war in Iraq and Syria to "Neanderthals." He has called for all refugees to provide DNA samples so that a database can be set up to be accessed in criminal investigations.
Referring to asylum seekers as sub-human and criminals has echos of the darkest moments of our civilization. David Duke would likely recognize those sentiments.
Why would residents of Newmarket care what an Austrian MP has to say about refugees?
Because Richard Lugar isn't just a MP. He is also the Chairman of the "Team Stronach" Party in Austria.
Just like Donald Trump, Frank Stronach is an eccentric billionaire who likes to put his name on things. A drive through Newmarket will result in many places carrying his surname.
He is the founder and funder of Team Stronach in Austria.
He also funds many of our local politicians too. Newmarket Mayor Tony Van Bynen, Deputy Mayor John Taylor, Ward 6 Councillor Kelly Broome-Plumley and Ward 7 Councillor Christina Bisanz all received maximum campaign donations from Stronach related companies.
Stronach political support and funding has not been without sordid controversy. Stronach is being sued by a local resident after his bagman, Steve Hinder, punched the man at a 2014 political event in Aurora. The punch was such as to result in the victim being admitted to hospital requiring lifesaving emergency surgery.
That incident of Stronach sponsored violence in local politics conjures up images of Donald Trump's recent rally/riot in Chicago.
Eventually, even Donald Trump had the good sense to distance himself from David Duke and his offer of support.
When will Van Bynen, Taylor, Broome-Plumley and Bisanz denounce Frank Stronach and everything his "Team Stronach" party has been spewing about refugees? Will they return the campaign donations they received from Frank Stronach related companies?
And will the Town of Newmarket and Southlake Regional Hospital remove the Stronach name from publicly owned property?
I hope to see Syrian refugees come and settle in Newmarket. I just can't imagine any of their children playing in Stronach Park located in Copper Hills subdivision. What peace could they find in a park named after someone who spews hate by calling refugees "Neanderthals" and "criminals"?
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