Friday, 19 February 2016

Make Rental Happen. Newmarket's Decision on the Clock Tower Re-Development

York Region's "Make Rental Happen" campaign was widely promoted by Deputy Mayor John Taylor and other members of Newmarket Council, including Ward 7 Councillor Christina Bisanz.  For a while, the #MakeRentalHappen hashtag was all over their social media correspondence.

With the Clock Tower development proposal for a new 165 rental unit building located in the heart of Main Street's heritage district, Council will have an opportunity to actually make rental happen for Newmarket.

On paper, this proposal is exactly the kind of development John Taylor has been advocating for.  It is high density affordable housing located in a mixed use area.  There is no reason for him to be anything less than enthusiastic about this project.

Even arguments regarding "heritage" are moot because the developer is proposing to preserve the facade of the existing heritage buildings facing Main Street.

So why is Council being uncharacteristically quiet about this exciting development opportunity?


  1. For an alternative view visit See the plans and drawings only on the shrink website. The Town no longer posts details of planning applications on its own website. Gordon Prentice

    1. Are you the Gordon Prentice ex-MP from the UK that stole taxpayer funds to pay for your mortgage and groceries? You're a joke!
