Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Results for Ward 6 - Together? Not really.

Earlier this month, I wrote this post about the Tom Taylor Crescent to Yonge Street path connection in this blog post http://nwkttownhall.blogspot.ca/2015/12/councillor-broome-plumley-is-taking.html

The question of this path sailed smoothly through the Committee of the Whole meeting with just a few perfunctory questions about the proposed "Option 2".  Councillor Broome Plumley bragged about her success in this November 30th blog post here: http://kellybroome-plumley.blogspot.ca/2015/11/2015-regarding-proposed-trail-from.html

At the time, I was alone in voicing opposition to the $630,000 price tag associated with the construction of this approximately 200 meter path.

So you could have knocked me over with a feather last night when one Council member after another flip-flopped from supporting the path in the Committee of the Whole to opposing it at the Council meeting.

The reason for opposing the path is easy.  It's ridiculously expensive.  And to their credit, Councillors Twinney, Bisanz, Hempen, and Vegh did a good job expressing the obvious shortcoming with the proposed plan.

To counter this argument, Ward 6 Councillor Kelly Broome-Plumley meekly protested, "It's what the residents want."

That seems to be the consensus among the supporters of this path.  Regional Councillor Taylor and Ward 2 Councillor Dave Kerwin both stated that their support derived from what the residents want.

But as one area resident pointed out to me last night, most residents don't appear to support the $630,000 "Option 2" path.  There was a petition presented to Council in August 2014 that states residents don't want this trail at all.

Respecting what these residents wanted, that was the position the former Ward 6 Councillor, Maddie Di Muccio, took into Council chambers in mid August 2014.  Consulting with and then representing the viewpoints of constituents is what a councillor is supposed to do.

So how did Councillor Broome-Plumley become so disconnected from her constituents just a year after she was elected?  When did she stop listening to what her constituents wanted and start speaking for what other interests wanted instead?

I wrote about Kelly Broome-Plumley being a Manchurian candidate over a year ago.  Those who donated to her campaign paid large sums of money to ensure her loyalty and she has delivered her vote in council to their agenda at every turn.

What Councillor Broome-Plumley discovered last night is that loyalty doesn't extend both ways.  She can not count on Council to support her in the initiatives she wants to pass as yesterday Council failed to support her proposed plan for the path.

This path was supposed to be a major accomplishment for Councillor Broome-Plumley but today she has egg on her face.  She didn't listen to what the residents wanted and her allies showed they weren't loyal to her.

Councillor Broome-Plumley likes to end her blog posts with this tagline:  RESULTS FOR WARD 6 - TOGETHER

After last night, that tagline does not jive with Councillor Broome-Plumley's track record.

Hopefully everyone will learn their lesson and start listening to what the residents want.  It is time to put this path proposal in the dustbin and move on to more important initiatives.

However, my fear is that the gruesome-twosome are determined to see this path constructed and the area residents will eventually get saddled with something nobody wants, (save for the gruesome-twosome).

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