Friday, 2 October 2015

John Taylor's Support of the YRT's Anti Worker Union Busting Tactics Calls for Explanation

An interesting article in the Toronto Star exposing the anti-labour union busting tactics of the York Region Transit employees.

York Region Transit may be privately owned, but it is heavily subsidized by and under contract to the Region of York.  As such, it should operate to the standards of the regional municipalities.

The YRT is taking advantage of a legal loophole within Ontario labour laws known as 'contract flipping' which allows the employer to lay off experienced workers and replace them with less experienced (as in lower salaried) workers.  It may be legal but it certainly isn't socially responsible or even good business.

The Toronto Star story tells of an 8-year veteran bus driver being laid off and replaced by a driver who was licensed for less than a few weeks.  I think a quick survey of passengers on the topic, "Would you feel safer with a new bus driver or an experienced bus driver?" would overwhelmingly favour the latter.

Having employees perpetually fearful of losing their jobs doesn't bode well for the economy which relies on people feeling secure enough to make large purchases.  Would you commit to a new car or a new home if you thought you could be made unemployed at any time?

The real reason why this contract flipping takes place?  It is a no holds barred fight to destroy the ATU the union which represents the drivers who lost their jobs.  When York Region Transit flipped from Veolia workers to Tok Transit, the ATU lost their representation rights.  

Newmarket Regional Councillor John Taylor sits on York Region's Transportation Committee.  He needs to explain to residents why York Region Council supports such strident anti-union, anti-worker tactics.  

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