Thursday, 3 September 2015

Dave Kerwin's Rain Barrel versus Your Tax Bill

Do we really have a Town Councillor in Newmarket who has no understanding of what it means to live within a community?  Does the concept of paying taxes for the benefit of greater public good truly escape Ward 3 Councillor Dave Kerwin?

Long time observers will note that Councillor Kerwin prides himself as a holier-than-thou environmentalist.  If you doubt this, just ask him how many bags of garbage he puts out every two weeks. (The answer is none).

At Monday's Town of Newmarket Cimmittee of the Whole, a student intern was given an opportunity to present his work on storm sewer funding. And it was not a surprise that Councillor Kerwin leaped at the opportunity to inform us all about his state of the art water run-off capture system at his house.  He proudly exclaims that not a single rain drop of water will run off his property into the storm sewer.

He demands to know of the intern, will there be tax savings for rain water conservationists like him?

The poor intern, bless his heart, didn't see it coming.  He answered meekly that perhaps the Town could consider some sort of discount for people like the Kerwins.

That "perhaps" opened the door for a new diatribe on the Kerwin household's garbage disposal strategies.  Thankfully the Mayor cut him short.

But let's for a second examine what Mr. Kerwin is saying when he is asking for a discount off storm water sewer rates and garbage pick up.  Let's imagine what a Kerwin-like property tax system that provides discounts based on usage could entail?

  1. Should non-library users be able to opt out of paying taxes towards this service?
  2. If my family members don't play hockey, soccer or tennis, can I receive a discount off my taxes because my family doesn't use the Town's recreation facilities?
  3. If I don't drive, should I pay to maintain the roads in Newmarket?
  4. If my house didn't have a fire, can I stop paying tax towards the fire department?
  5. If I don't have any school aged kids, do I still need to pay for supporting public education?
  6. I am neither a criminal nor a victim, so why am I paying for police services?  
  7. I've never called my Mayor, Council member, or any member of the Town of Newmarket staff for anything. Shouldn't I receive a discount?  Why am I paying their salaries?
It doesn't take long to understand that if we give in to Councillor Kerwin's ridiculous demands for a tax discount based on usage that in very short order, the fabric of our community would be in shambles.  

Even if Councillor Kerwin doesn't put out garbage or use the Town's storm sewers like the rest of us, he still benefits from these services.  If garbage wasn't picked up, rats, vermin and disease would infest our community.  If storm water had nowhere to drain to, it would fill up basements all over town.  

It's too bad that Councillor Kerwin is either not smart enough to understand this concept or not community minded enough to care.  Either way, explain to me why is this man on Council?  

1 comment:

  1. Read my earlier post on Kerwin's World at
