Saturday, 4 April 2015

Why Do Aurora Residents Support Tony Van Bynen, John Taylor and Kelly Broome-Plumley?

The Newmarket Era picked up an interesting tidbit when it made note that Aurora residents were heavy donors to the Gruesome-Twosome Mayor Van Bynen and John Taylor's re-election bids.  They were also prominent supporters of Ward 6 Councillor Kelly Broome Plumley,

Why would Aurora residents like Belinda Stronach, Steve Hinder (of Magna International) and Michael Croxon be so keen on seeing the Gruesome-Twosome fiasco continue?

It may very well be linked to jobs.

Between 2009 and 2014, Aurora's local economy grew by 5700 jobs.  Under the bumbling of our municipal leadership, the Newmarket economy grew by just 100 jobs.  I have seen reported that the number of new employees of the Town of Newmarket over that same period exceeds 100 so really our local economy haven't grown at all.

\Can it be any wonder Aurora residents want to see that trend continue?  What has been a very bad stretch for Newmarket has been a remarkable boon for our neighbours to our south.  So why wouldn't they shell out a few donations to keep Aurora's streak going?

The only pro-business voice of taxpayers/ business owners on Newmarket council last term was Maddie Di Muccio.  Aurora residents didn't want what she was advocating for to upset their economic apple cart.  That's why they were so keen to give money to Kelly Broome Plumley's campaign who can be counted on to keep quiet and vote with the Bloc.

Newmarket's job losses have been Aurora gains and that trend isn't going to change until there is a change in leadership at Town Hall.

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