Saturday, 7 February 2015

A True Taylor-made Scandal

People ask me, Why do I publish anonymously?

In the past I used to refer people to this article from the CBC:

Collingwood's Steve Berman is a hero of mine. 

But Newmarket is seeing the advent of a new hero:  John Blommesteyn.  You can see for yourself the level of abuse he is taking from Regional Councillor John Taylor here:

John Taylor is a thug and a bully and a liar. 

And he wants you to feel sorry for him. The bully portrays himself as a victim. 

On the other hand, John Blommesteyn has been correct all along.

1) The Code of Conduct in Newmarket is a joke.  As Blommesteyn says in his Tumblr post (here: it doesn't protect us against corrupt politicians like the gruesome-twosome.  It is just a charade with too many loopholes to be relevant.  Blommesteyn wants Council to put teeth into the Code of Conduct. 

2) There are issues with Taylor's charity that have yet to be explained.  Taylor's own actions are ample proof that he was aware of these issues.  For example, in the past few weeks, we saw Taylor taking down personal his website; removing the Canada Revenue Agency letter from his charity's website; and changing the contact information from the Town's email and phone number to his own personal email and phone number.  If he was doing nothing wrong, why does his actions make him appear so very, very guilty?

3)  While John Taylor would have you believe that the cost is too exorbitant for us to expose this corruption, quoted in the Era article saying: "The use of an integrity commissioner is expensive and it has serious implications for everybody.  Taxpayers are paying this price."  If Taylor truly believed this comment then why did he use it 3 times in the past three years against a political opponent?  He used it in the case of calling a name?  Isn't that something he himself has done in council chamber innumerable times?  This just goes to prove that Taylor is a liar and a hypocrite.  (My suggestion:  If Suzanne Craig is so expensive, why use her?  I am sure that there are people who would give their time for free.  Maybe the Town of Newmarket should speak to Maddie Di Muccio if she would like to volunteer her time to be the Town's integrity commissioner).

4)  Taylor is also lying when he tries to paint Blommesteyn as a failed, angry person with an axe to grind.  Reading everything I can about Blommesteyn, I haven't found a scintilla of evidence that supports Taylor's remarks.  This attempt at character assassination makes Taylor a bully in the worse kind of way, (and frankly, par for the course as far as Taylor is concerned).  Blommesteyn has been, in my opinion, perhaps excessively respectful of Taylor and his charity's work, and shows his concern only for the taxpayers of Newmarket. 

There is a suggestion that Blommesteyn plans to continue with this.  For my two-cents, I hope he does.  It is more than about time that taxpayers stand up to gruesome-twosome and say we're demanding better government for our Newmarket.   

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