Saturday, 17 January 2015

My Thoughts on the Newmarket Aurora NAPPCA AGM

My good friend "Horses and Beer," a fellow victim of a Frank Klees smear campaign, and a true advocate for free speech asked me to opine about the Newmarket-Aurora PC AGM. 

To set the record straight, I wasn't there.  I didn't receive notice of the AGM.  It is possible that my membership has lapsed since last March and that explains why I didn't receive an invitation.  It is also possible that my name is on the same list as others who allegedly didn't receive invitations. 

I have been involved, (some years more than others), with electing Frank Klees, and before him with Julia Munro, for many, many elections.  I did not participate with Jane Twinney's campaign, (not that anyone asked for my help either). 

I have seen many changes at the local PC activist level over approximately 25 years.

And over that time, I have never been involved in a losing PC campaign.  The grassroots is very good at electing PC candidates. 

Let's recognize that maybe it is with arrogance and hubris that we let our guard down.  We let ourselves go.  We changed from perpetual winners to the losing team. 

In my opinion, it all started when Frank Klees and the small group of Klees loyalists began to think that party politics was no longer a team sport.  Klees defied his party and ran on his own for Speaker (until he realized he couldn't win without PC Party support - funny how minority parliaments work). 

Then, like a Shakespearean Tragedy, Klees struck out at anyone who he deemed disloyal.  This culminated with Klees using his influence to torpedo candidates in the so-called race to replace him as the Newmarket-Aurora PC candidate.  The legacy of this egomaniacal Macbeth is a legacy of Liberal Red in Newmarket-Aurora, (a riding that has never elected a Liberal before). 

We have to acknowledge the cunning of the Newmarket Aurora Provincial Liberals too.  Christina Bisanz and Chris Ballard had an active part in disseminating the PC Party First ads.  Many people in this riding received emails from either Christina or Chris linking to now-banned PC Party First YouTube ads.  They use these smear tactics because they work. 

And via John Taylor, they have been successful at planting loyalists on the NAPPCA board. 

Evidence is clear that in people like Jane Twinney, Tom Vegh, his wife Angela Vegh and Bob Kwapis, Taylor has PC board members who wouldn't hesitate to take a bullet for Liberal John Taylor.  Vegh's and Twinney's voting record while on Newmarket Council are indistinguishable for Liberal John Taylor.  Kwapsis writes letters to the Newmarket Era supporting Liberal John Taylor. 

With the corruption allegations against Liberal John Taylor, expect that Vegh and Twinney will back him up.  Kwapsis already has. 

I don't see how the Newmarket Aurora PC's will ever succeed with such an obvious faction with loyalties to Liberal John Taylor. 

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