Saturday, 13 December 2014

Why It's a Good Thing that Anyone Can Blog About Newmarket Politics

Its a long established truth that the Newmarket Era refuses to report legitimate news and thus enables our local government to continue on with bald faced lies and corrupt internal practices. 

It's the key reason why blogs like mine thrive in Newmarket.  Ordinary residents are starved for information about what's really going on at Town Hall. 

But before she was refusing to report Newmarket's news, The Era Editor, Tracy Kibble, was posted up in Keswick. 

It seems that she refused to report the news up there too. 

Here is a gem I found on line posted by someone calling him/herself "KeswickPinhead" which is entitled, "JOURNALISM IS HARD, JUST ASK TRACY KIBBLE". 

Here is what Tracy Kibble wrote to KeswickPinhead:

"If I have FACTS - not innuendos, not opinions, not suspicions, not could-bes but FACTS - ie Charges, investigations, etc. against such and such then I will be the first person to take an official to task.  If this ball ban was happening here, I would be on it but it is happening in Toronto.  The thing with journalism that most people who aren't journalists (and let's be clear ... Anyone can put a blog on the Internet) don't understand is that you can't print things without FACTS.
Nuff said"
(Attributed to Tracy Kibble circa November 19, 2011)

Well how does that statement stand up against, (oh and there are so many to choose from), "Innuendos, Suspicions, Could-Bes - but definitely not FACTS" that Maddie Di Muccio threatened Stephen Somerville?   The only thing the Era had to support it's reporting was gossip from local loser, Darryl Wolk. 

It didn't stop the Era from publishing that nonsense.  Even after the FACTS came out - that Frank Klees was the culprit who pressured Somerville to drop out of the race - did Tracy Kibble Editor of the Newmarket Era hold herself accountable to failing to measure up to Tracy Kibble's journalistic standards of 2011?

Clearly no. 

And that hypocrisy is why I blog.  And probably accounts for the reason why you read this blog too.

And while we are considering FACTS, here are a few for you to mull over:

1) The most important advertiser that the Era has (contributing hundreds of thousands annually to the paper's profits) is the Town of Newmarket courtesy of our taxes. 

2) The publisher and editor of the Era are close personal friends of the Gruesome Twosome even sitting on committees and boards together.

3) The Era has never ever published a critical word about Tony Van Bynen or any of his policies.  The Era only publishes praise for the Mayor.

4)  During the campaign writ period, the Era published multiple columns written by Mayor Van Bynen that could be deemed as free election materials. 

5) When the Town of Aurora opted to cancel it's advertising with the Era, the former Editor took to social media promising to pay them back for their decision.   

 The concept of "FACT" and the Era aren't really acquainted.  Remember the key word should be "BIASED." 

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