Saturday, 30 August 2014

Don't Re-Elect Lousy Mayor, Newmarket

If anyone needs an example why Tony Van Bynen should not be re-elected this fall, then watch this week's council meeting (archived on the website).  Clearly, our current Mayor has been watching archived recordings of the North Korean Politburo because he is modelling his style of chairing meetings after tyrant Kim Jung Un. 

It shows a lack of confidence in his own platform with the way that he deals with questions that challenge him.  If he thought his plan through, he would have all the answers. 

And the same example is permeating the various ward races.  There are many candidates who will openly criticize the incumbents' voting records on various issues.  Almost none would dare to criticize Tony Van Bynen, even though he is the person who actually instructed his bloc how to vote.  It is almost as though new candidates fear reprisals if they are critical of our current Mayor. 

It isn't clear why Tony Van Bynen feels he needs to control everyone all the time.  After all he has accomplished very little in his tenure and if elected again, I don't expect that he will achieve much afterward either. 

Let's summarize Tony Van Bynen's "accomplishments" as Mayor Newmarket:

1) Shared Digital Infrastructure - millions of dollars poured into scanning back issues of the Era and some personal papers belonging to heiress Belinda Stronach while our public library fails to meet the grade as far as books and other resources are concerned.
2) Magna Centre Construction - at almost double the cost because of the mayor's folly regarding the MayStar lawsuit.
3) Rapid Bus Lane Construction - years behind schedule and tens of millions over budget
4) Old Town Hall Restoration - now double the original costs and years behind schedule

There is not a whole lot to recommend the mayor for re-election. 

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