Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Impeccable Source? Not Really.

Regular readers of mine already know that when it comes to writing this blog, I would actually prefer to be doing other things.  I keep hoping that there will be a day (soon) when my blog will no longer be necessary.  I sincerely believe that it is the job of the local media to report and comment on the "news".  Unfortunately, our own local media hasn't lived up to the standards of it's profession so my blog lives on serving the community by providing another perspective on Newmarket municipal government. 

Here is an item of news that should really surprise no one:  the blog "Shrink Slessor Square" is now bragging about its so-called impeccable source for all the latest gossip and innuendo - and it appears to be a member of the local media.

According to the most recent blog post dated February 16, 2014, Councillor Di Muccio was recently interviewed by "local journalists" and it would seem that one of them passed along the juiciest morsels of gossip to gassified windbag, Gordon Prentice. 

To Prentice's so-called impeccable 'source', I say: false profession, deceitfulness, and hypocrisy.

Never mind the lack of morals displayed by someone who is receiving a salary from his/her employer to carry on as a 'source' for the blogger.

Never mind the professional standards and ethics of journalism which this so-called 'source' has failed to honour.

Never mind how this 'source' has sullied the reputations of his/her colleagues who work hard and with integrity in their pursuit of journalistic excellence.

Local news has been replaced by back-fence chatter. 

I can't say I am surprised.  I certainly didn't expect anything better from our local media or from blogs like, "Shrink Slessor Square."

"Cluck, cluck, cluck," goes the hen named Gordon.  

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