I don't know what motivates someone to resort to threatening another person over perceived political differences.
Surely we live in a democracy where a variety of opinions are welcomed.
While I don't agree with every opinion a fellow citizen may have, I would never go to extremes in order to prevent someone from giving an opinion.
I am in possession of a card that was delivered to the workplace of someone who is outspoken against the old boys network.
The handwritten message on this "Sympathy" card is quite disturbing (and I apologize for the language that I am about to quote).
The envelope has the person's name written on it (which I am not disclosing for obvious reasons).
The card refers to the person's twitter name.
Then it reads:
"Gotcha, you bitch. Have you checked the children tonight?"
The recipient of the sympathy card has filed a complaint with the York Regional Police and I have received an Occurrence Number and the Police Constable's badge number which impressed me that this matter is indeed legit.
It is my hope that certain supporters of the Old Boys Club as well as certain members of Newmarket Council are taking a good, long, hard look at themselves and what they have made of this town.
Newmarket is now a place where we have to look over our shoulders if we disagree with one another.
Its a place where rhetoric has been ramped up to a point where people are threatening the children of perceived political opponents.
Newmarket is now a place where we have to check our mail at work and perhaps seek police protection if we want to be involved politically.
The next time a council member speaks about our town being one of the Top 10 Places to Live, I hope that you will remind him/ her of this story.
And if a council member tells you that voter intimidation doesn't happen in Newmarket, remind them of this story.
And when they ask you to re-elect them, ask them to show you their condemnation of this "Sympathy" card. They will pretend that they know nothing about it but be assured, they are definitely reading my blog.
I hope your city never feels this kind of fear