Saturday, 18 January 2014

Snipers, Moral Cowards, and Sacred Cows

I have to admit that I get a sense of self-satisfaction from getting under the skin of certain people who view themselves as sacred cows. 

When MPP Frank Klees launched a media campaign against my blog, (in print, e-mail and social media), calling me a "Sniper", I knew that what I was writing found its mark.  I hit a bulls-eye with my comments and Klees felt the barbs in my words. So he lashed out in dramatic fashion.

When the Era writes editorials and columns about the so-called "moral cowardice" behind my anonymity I have all the confirmation that I need to prove that the issues I write about are finding an audience. 

A business like the Era wouldn't waste its ink if I wasn't competing with it for readership. 

I have substantial readership numbers because I call things like I see them.  Nobody is given a free pass in my blog, (unlike at the Era which all too often turns a blind eye).

I don't call people "snipers" or "moral cowards" but whenever I see hypocrisy or double standard I will point it out as rigorously as any political commentator worth his/her salt would. 

And here is a recent example for the Era to consider. 

In her Thursday column, York Region Editor, Debora Kelly chastised my blog (without naming it) for being critical of Mayor Van Bynen's disappearing act during the recent ice storm and subsequent municipal services meltdown. 

The fact is that the very man we elected to see us through such an emergency was no where to be seen for approximately 2-weeks.  And based on feedback that I have received, I am not alone in my expectations that the mayor should have and could have done more for residents. 

Just for giggles why doesn't Debora Kelly compare the twitter feed of Aurora Mayor Geoff Dawe with Newmarket Mayor Tony Van Bynen for the two-weeks in question, (from December 22 until January 4).  The comparison will be a lesson in leadership during a crisis.

The Era is owned by York Region Media Group, which in turn is owned by Torstar Corp.  The flagship paper within Torstar is of course the Toronto Star.  On December 23rd, the Toronto Star was frothing at the mouth with front page stories concerning Toronto Mayor Rob Ford being MIA for three hours on the morning of December 22nd. 

The Toronto Mayor was unaccounted for 3 hours and its front page news.

Newmarket Mayor Tony Van Bynen goes missing for two-weeks and the Era doesn't consider it newsworthy enough to ask him where he is? 

Instead we get drivel about neighbours helping neighbours etc. 

Don't we pay amongst the highest taxes in York Region to maintain government services like snow removal?  What's the point to these high taxes if we can't rely on our Mayor to show up whenever there is an emergency? 

The bottom line is, I don't accept bad weather as a justification for Newmarket Mayor Tony Van Bynen's two-week absence during the aftermath of the ice storm. 

And neither should the Era. 

As I have already promised multiple times over, I'll stop blogging when the Era commits to doing its job.  The Era needs to put away the pom poms for the current administration and start holding Mayor Van Bynen and his allies accountable for doing their job.  And start by demanding that the Mayor account for his whereabouts during the ice storm.

Tony Van Bynen disappeared for two weeks at a time when this town needed leadership because he was secure in the knowledge that the Era wouldn't criticise him for his absence. 

Thank goodness there are blogs like mine that keep residents informed of what a crappy job Tony Van Bynen is doing as our mayor.  Residents have a right to be informed about their local government but the cheerleaders at the Era are failing to provide the information.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Re-Election Stand-off at Newmarket Council

Now that the initial flurry of candidates filing has ended, the waiting game is setting in. 

As expected, Mayor Van Bynen, and Councillors Kerwin, Twinney & Sponga filed nomination papers for re-election early.  Frankly, there was nowhere else for them to go.

I expect that Councillor Hempen won't challenge for a higher posting either.  In fact, in an earlier tweet, Councillor Hempen announced that he was 99% certain that he would run for re-election but was planning on waiting until March to decide. 

The other councillors are waiting to see who will make their move first before committing themselves. 
Months ago, Regional Councillor Taylor announced that he would seek re-election as Regional Councillor.  But recent foul-ups with garbage collection served to accentuate the fact that a general sense of change is in the air. I am hearing that John Taylor is once again putting out feelers to gauge support for a run at the mayor's chair. 

If he does step up, it wouldn't surprise anyone to see Councillors Emanuel and Vegh challenge for the Regional Councillor post.  Both are multi-term incumbents and both are itching for a better pay grade. 

What is causing them all to lie awake at night is the worry that they do not have any certainty as to what Councillor Di Muccio intends to do. 

If she decides to seek re-election in Ward 6, Taylor will likely go for Mayor and Emanuel/ Vegh will face off at Regional Councillor.

If she decides to challenge Van Bynen, the others will seek re-election in their current posts. 

None of them like the prospect of going head to head with Councillor Di Muccio as she has shown to be very tough to beat.  Despite everything that they have put her through, she remains more popular than ever these days.   

In my estimation, it will be at least a couple of months before the next major name is nominated for the 2014 election.  When that happens, the campaigning will begin in earnest.   

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Newmarket Garbage Update "Remember when we said it would be completed on Saturday? Well, er .. ".

I bet that Mayor Van Bynen's ears are burning.

Many of my fellow arena-denizens had plenty to grumble about Newmarket's reticent mayor this morning. 

After promises on the Town of Newmarket's twitter feed as late as yesterday afternoon that garbage pick up would be completed on Saturday January 11, garbage remains at the curbside of many homes today. 

Earlier in the week, the Town blamed the extreme cold for delays in pickup.  What's the excuse today?  The weather hit a balmy 5C in Newmarket yesterday. 

After two tax increases in 2013 and another in 2014, the Mayor assured everyone that services would not be cut. 

Little evidence of that so far this winter. 

Garbage and snow removal are basic services and both have been atrocious. 

And the mayor is making promises that he can't seem to keep. 

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Mayor Van Bynen's "New" Election Platform (Its not like the old one)

More and more people are becoming frustrated with the lack of leadership from incumbent mayor, Tony Van Bynen. 

In my case, I am concerned with the Mayor's lack of direction. 

In his 2010 campaign, it seemed that he had a defined plan for our town.  But just three years later, he has scrapped all of his 2010 ideas and replaced them with something else. 

In this week's Era advertisement, Mayor Van Bynen speaks about "Broadband Internet", "Development", "Jobs", "Southlake Hospital" and "Taxation."

Not one of these items were on his radar during the last campaign. 

At that time, his platform included:
  • Health
  • Bringing a Post Secondary Education Institution to Newmarket
  • Newmarket as a Regional Centre
  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Arts and Culture
So why the 90-degree turn in such a short period of time?

Certainly the three years in office since 2010 have been tough on the Mayor. 

1.  Businesses of all types, but especially manufacturing have left resulting in significant job losses
2.  We have heard that there are serious budget related issues at Southlake Regional Health Centre which could mean further job losses
3.  York Regional Government is at risk of a rating downgrade because of the unprecedented amount of public debt accumulated during the past few years
4.  And the feather in the cap for Newmarket's "Arts and Culture", the Old Town Hall has devolved into a mess of cost over-runs. 

The Mayor had a hand to play in exacerbating all of these problems (in addition to serving as Mayor, he also sits on the Southlake Board of Directors).  While I don't forgive him for causing the current situation, I can understand why the Mayor wants to throw in the towel.  He has given up.

But why is he dropping the Post Secondary Institution dream? 

The Ontario Government has plans to open more colleges and universities and as recently as this summer, Mayor Van Bynen was publicly speaking in favour of Newmarket hosting a new school, (as is East Gwillimbury). 

It would seem to me that pursuing a post secondary institution would bring significant financial benefit to our community. 

Before asking us to support him on his 2014 re-election bid, shouldn't we expect the mayor to explain to the community why he has dropped all of his 2010 campaign platform?

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Dirty Politics in Newmarket - Part 3

I don't know what motivates someone to resort to threatening another person over perceived political differences. 

Surely we live in a democracy where a variety of opinions are welcomed. 

While I don't agree with every opinion a fellow citizen may have, I would never go to extremes in order to prevent someone from giving an opinion. 

I am in possession of a card that was delivered to the workplace of someone who is outspoken against the old boys network. 

The handwritten message on this "Sympathy" card is quite disturbing (and I apologize for the language that I am about to quote).

The envelope has the person's name written on it (which I am not disclosing for obvious reasons). 

The card refers to the person's twitter name.

Then it reads:

"Gotcha, you bitch. Have you checked the children tonight?"


The recipient of the sympathy card has filed a complaint with the York Regional Police and I have received an Occurrence Number and the Police Constable's badge number which impressed me that this matter is indeed legit. 

It is my hope that certain supporters of the Old Boys Club as well as certain members of Newmarket Council are taking a good, long, hard look at themselves and what they have made of this town. 

Newmarket is now a place where we have to look over our shoulders if we disagree with one another. 

Its a place where rhetoric has been ramped up to a point where people are threatening the children of perceived political opponents.

Newmarket is now a place where we have to check our mail at work and perhaps seek police protection if we want to be involved politically. 

The next time a council member speaks about our town being one of the Top 10 Places to Live, I hope that you will remind him/ her of this story. 

And if a council member tells you that voter intimidation doesn't happen in Newmarket, remind them of this story. 

And when they ask you to re-elect them, ask them to show you their condemnation of this "Sympathy" card.  They will pretend that they know nothing about it but be assured, they are definitely reading my blog.   

Monday, 6 January 2014

Jane Twinney's Winter Escape

The Inferno is a famous thirteenth century poem that served as a warning to the people to remain virtuous and pious. 

The poet Dante begins the Inferno with these words:

  "Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita"

Loosely translated it means, "Halfway on our life's path", warning to all who read the poem that a time of reckoning would be coming.

Newmarket politicians are entering the final stretch of this Council term and a time is coming when council members running for re-election will have to account for their decisions.

In his poem the Inferno, Dante reserved a unique Bolgia within the eighth circle of Hell especially for hypocrites.

Just days after voting to dock Ward Six Councillor Maddie Di Muccio one month's salary, Ward 3 Councillor Jane Twinney packed up her family and went to Florida. 

She did not return for approximately three weeks. 

Her constituents in the meantime were left with frustrating garbage delays, lackluster snow removal and no communication from their elected representative.

During the same period, the Ward Six Councillor kept the public up to date on a myriad of issues of concern via her blog and was working as hard as ever. 

Ward 3's councillor was not working but took home her full paycheque while the Ward 6 councillor was there for her community but her paycheque was slashed.

The thirteenth century poet Dante had no use for hypocrites. 

Let's see if Newmarket voters are any more forgiving.


Sunday, 5 January 2014

Tony Van Bynen's Very Bad Week In Politics

While there is much speculation about whether or not the 2013 Newsmaker of the Year will announce her candidature for Mayor of Newmarket, it is clear to see why the previously announced incumbent has yet to file his papers.

Mayor Van Bynen has had a very poor week in politics.

It is said that if you ever want to wake up a city to municipal politics, just muck around with snow removal or garbage pick up. 

Van Bynen has managed to screw both up simultaneously.

And to top it off, he's gone MIA in the process.  No official announcements or photo ops in front of trucks. 


Van Bynen dug up an old photo of him donating blood instead. 

Clearly he has buried his head deep into a snow bank hoping that nobody will notice him and the mess he has made of the these key services. 

Every where I go these days, some one is grumbling about either late garbage pick up, impassable roads or both. 

Of course, with his track record vis-a-vis emergency closures at the Senior and Youth Centres as well as the Gorham Pool, can any of us be surprised. 

It has been a long while since this Mayor has actually focused on his duties as the head of local government. 

To add delusion to injury, Mayor Van Bynen instead writes an opinion column about the way the new bus lane on Davis will change our daily lives.  Among others, I fail to see how a rapid bus trip from the Upper Canada Mall to the Hospital serves me, or any of my neighbours.  Yet construction is costing us hundreds of millions and hundreds of jobs as local businesses close their doors due to impassable traffic. 

If he files his papers for re-election, I hope he gives some thought to explaining why he thinks he still deserves the job.