Saturday, 7 December 2013

Dirty Tricks in Newmarket Politics Pt 2

Dear Gordon,

I want to wish you all the best of the holiday season to you and yours. 

I hope you don't take this as vanity when I tell you that people like me and Steve Berman in Collingwood are really good at what we do.  You should aspire to have a blog that achieves the standard that we have set. 

It takes great discipline to achieve this standard.  One place where I never cut corners is on fact checking.  You see, I have read poll results that suggest that many people don't have faith in bloggers because we are not seen as credible.  I take it as a personal challenge to change that perception.

I have great pride in the attention I pay to details.  You should too.  You are a very good writer but your blog needs to be more fact based.  Otherwise, you are simply entertainment for people like me.

I could very easily provide the link to Maddie Di Muccio's twitter post about fake twitter accounts -- but that would be like giving a man a fish as opposed to teaching a man how to fish.  I think you need to do a bit of the grunt work yourself.  (If you are inexperienced with Google searches, I'm sure that if you ask Ms. Di Muccio she will confirm this is a fake account for you).

Remember, to always check and then double check your source.  Don't trust the first answer you receive because it "fits" the narrative you want to write about.  And never ignore that contradicting piece of information you find because it will come back to haunt your credibility if you do.

I sincerely hope that you will use this advice to improve your craft.  I hope you continue to contribute to your blog but please do your best to step up your own personal standards. 

Yours in blogging,


PS - I trust that you will continue in your quest to unmask me.  I hope that this little mis-step hasn't discouraged you from this adventure.  I do very much enjoy this little game of "Guess Who".  And further more, I hope you also continue to read my blog for the latest on what is going on related to Newmarket Council and will become a better informed citizen as a result. Please feel free to use the comments section of my blog if you wish to join in the discussion of any posting.

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