Friday, 27 December 2013

Most Read/ Least Read Blog Posts & What Do These Lists Mean?

I promised in a tweet earlier this week to post a list of my most popular blogs to date.  Never did I expect that such an exercise would be so insightful. 

My advice to all who are planning to run in 2014 (incumbents and challengers alike), would be to pay close attention to what the general public is interested in. 

So since its inception, I have published 102 posts (including this one) to my Newmarket Town Hall Watch blog.  Here is a list of the top five most read postings:

  1. Evidence of Conflict of Interest (Posted on April 18, 2013)
  2. Something Stinks with my Drinking Water (Posted on August 21, 2012)
  3. The Era Gets the Story Wrong (Posted on January 6, 2013)
  4. Tom Vegh, You Must be So Damn Proud (Posted on Aug. 29, 2012)
  5. Dirty Tricks Have Already Begun (Posted on Dec. 2, 2013)

And for contrast, here is a list of the least read blog posts of all time:

  98.  Slessor Square Vote is a Game Changer for Newmarket
  99.  Finding Folly with Van Bynen's Finnish Flight of Fancy
100.  Following up with Councillors Charitable Giving
101.  The Mayor's Record for Keeping Promises (part 1)
102.  Regarding Council's Cultural Agenda

Here is what these numbers tell me as an objective observer of Newmarket politics:

1.  The top 5 blog posts share a theme that people are concerned that things are generally not running smoothly at Town Hall.  This feeds into the sentiment that two terms of Mayor Van Bynen's administration has been long enough and that its prime time for a change.  This perception spells bad news for certain incumbents including the Mayor.

2.  The least read posts are precisely the kinds of issues that I actually expected Mayor Van Bynen to base his re-election campaign on.  Namely:  a) how well he handled Slessor Square, b) his accomplishments with his trip to Finland, c) his involvement in the community via Belinda's Place and Inn from the Cold, d) his support of the Arts, and e) his "steady hand on the helm" leadership.  The fact that the public is least interested in reading about these items should send a cold shiver down the spines of the Re-Elect TVB campaign team. 

3.  The issue actually holding the public's interest is the perception that dirty business is taking place at the Town Hall.  This should be a sobering message to any campaign team that is planning on cheating, stealing votes, overspending, etc.  The public seems to be keenly tuned in to spot any dirty tricks once the election campaign begins. 

4.  This will disappoint some conspiracy theorists but none of these posts listed above is about Ward Six Councillor Maddie Di Muccio.  The idea that my blog is simply "propaganda" for her is dispelled by that fact.  I have already announced my endorsement for her as Newmarket's next mayor but there is a promise that my blog will also continue to hold her and all Newmarket council members to account whenever a bad vote occurs. 

5.  The Era newspaper has focused a lot on Glenway and Slessor Square but in my experience, I wondered why.  I noticed earlier on that whenever I write about these new developments, my readership volumes would drop.  I think it is safe to say that Glenway and Slessor are not going to be ballot issues in 2014.

6.  The fact that the most read blog is about a conflict of intererst allegation involving Regional Councillor John Taylor's too-close-for-comfort relationship with the Stronach family is interesting to say the least.  In 2010, the Stronach family was active in Newmarket politics both directly and through their affiliated Aurora based Neighbourhood Network organization.  There is already evidence that Neighbourhood Network is planning to be active again in 2014 as Newmarket's version of the Ontario Liberals' "Working Family Coalition".  Based on my findings, it seems highly unlikely that Newmarket voters will trust Aurora-based Neighbourhood Network and the Stronach family to choose our local government for us.  Stay tuned everyone, because I will be writing more on this topic in the new year.

7.  After seeing the results of readership interest levels, it is my opinion that the Newmarket Election ballot question will be, "Who do you trust?"  A lot has happened in the past 3 years to have shaken the public's faith in the current administration.  Can Mayor Van Bynen recover his footing over the next 10 months to save his job?  Or will a rookie councillor who has made a name for herself by championing openness and accountability stroll on to a landslide victory in October? 

There is one Newmarket race that matters in 2014 and voters will be asked to decide just one simple question: "Who do I trust to be Mayor of Newmarket?" 

The way I see it for Newmarket Votes 2014, any politician who fails to earn our trust will be left in the dust.

Monday, 23 December 2013

An 8.4% Hike in Water Rates - Merry Christmas from your Mayor

Its not unusual for governments to take advantage of the Christmas season to dollop out a dose of bad news because ordinary people are busy with friends, family and festivities. 

Last week, Ottawa used the Christmas distraction to advise urban Canada that home-to-home postal delivery was ending.  While this was big news, it certainly did not create nearly the amount of outrage and scorn that would have occurred if they released this item in few weeks earlier. 

People are busy. 

Tony Van Bynen also takes advantage of the holiday season. 

In Sunday's Era, hidden on the 4th page, is a tidbit that our Water/ Waste Water rates are increasing by a whopping 8.4% next year. 

This announcement comes on the heels of another annual tax increase, user fee increases, a special reserve fund levy in March, new fees for businesses and so on. 

In fact, the Mayor seems to have dug more deeply into our pockets this year than ever before. 

And despite the Mayor's spun tales about affordability, many people - but especially seniors and people who are on fixed incomes - are starting to feel the pinch of being nickled-and-dimed by this administration. 

In the newspaper's account of the explanation justifying the rate hike, most ominous for residents is the use of that dreaded "Internal Loan" technique where money is taken from one of the Town of Newmarket's reserve funds and "loaned" to another reserve fund.  

When I run my business, I will often use funds that I've earmarked for "marketing" to something more pressing, like an emergency repair.  I won't use credit except as a last resort. 

But what the Town of Newmarket does differently from most households and businesses, (and it is what has most people scratching their heads), is the idea that the "loan" is paid back to the original reserve plus interest

How is the interest being funded?  You guessed it, through higher Water/ Waste Water rates. 

So by artificially creating this interest payment for funds being moved from one balance sheet to another, the Town of Newmarket has also artificially created a reason to increase your rates year after year. 

That kind of creative "hocus-pocus" accounting makes financial sense to Mayor Tony Van Bynen but I don't think it makes sense to you and your family's savings.

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Holiday Gifts for Mayor and Council

It's Christmas time and that means the jolly old elf is packing his sleigh with gifts for all the boys and girls of Newmarket. 

And as Tony, John, Dave, Tom and Tom, Jane, Maddie, Chris, and Joe lay down their heads on Christmas eve and dream of tax increases, wasteful spending, and whatever else makes their little hearts glow, why don't the rest of us take a sneak peak into Santa's sack at the gifts he's got in store for them? 

Here's a box with a red ribbon marked "Tony".  Inside this package there are two items; a plush warm security blankie monogrammed TVB, and an adult-sized pacifier.  Apparently Santa has noticed how cranky the mayor has become lately and this practical gift hints that maybe Tony needs to take a regular nap time. 

What's this?  Is this a present for John?  Its a history book on Tammany Hall.  Santa wants to remind John that the Tammany Hall era in New York in the late 19th century isn't a blue print for Newmarket in 2014.  Next year's election promises to be an epic battle for the soul of Newmarket and finally the grip that team "Double Standard" has on our local government that is choking our community will be released.

Here is something fun for Tom H.  Its a soccer ball.  Isn't Santa clever?  He wants to give Tom a reminder of one of Council's dumbest decisions ever with the $2.8 million bailout of the NSC.  Tom can boot the ball around too after the inevitable booting from office he'll receive as the result of him  voting in favour of this bail out. 

And for Chris?  Its a book about trees.  Santa remembers how Chris wanted to have town employees visit each homeowner to make a list of every tree in town.  With the new book that Santa is giving him, Chris doesn't need to waste tax dollars on such an inane project.  He can do it himself with all the free time he has?  Free time, you ask?  Yes, because Santa knows that Chris never returns the phone calls or e-mails that he receives from his constituents so he has more free time than any other member of Council. 

Vroom vroom.  Santa has a garbage truck for Jane.  Ward 3 residents are always complaining that their garbage isn't being picked up on time and Jane can't seem to do anything about it.  With her shiny new garbage truck, Jane can go and pick up the trash herself.  What fun!

Santa feels badly for Dave.  With Internet voting being inexplicably rushed through council in time for October's election and having 5 nursing home situated in his ward, Dave must know that certain factions are plotting to unceremoniously dump him after decades of being a loyal friend and ally.  So Santa is bringing Dave a cord of firewood to burn as he campaigns his traditional "fireside chat" style.  He is going to lose but at least he will do it his way. 

Santa has something in store for Maddie too.  If it wasn't for Maddie, people would not know about the soccer loan, the mayor's outrageous spin on taxes, and many other issues.  In spite of all of Maddie's hard work, Santa was sad to see that her colleagues have punished her instead of congratulate her.  Yet even though the Town of Newmarket has decided not to pay her, Santa knows that she will continue to work hard to for open government.  So Santa is bringing Maddie a lucky horse shoe and a four leaf clover as symbols of luck for her 2014 campaign. 

In the first 18 months of this term, Santa was fooled into thinking that Joe was spineless because he rarely spoke.  But in the next 18 months, Joe spoke plenty and removed any doubt.  Being spineless on its own is tough but couple that affliction with being stupid and you have Joe's character wrapped up.  Santa is bringing Joe a wrapped but empty box as a metaphor of Joe's time in office. 

But the biggest parcel in Santa's sack is reserved for Tom V.  Everyone is gathered around to see what it is.  But before we get a chance to have a peak, Santa has come by and tied up his sack.  We'll just have to wait and see what Santa will bring him.  Everyone loves a mystery. Stay tuned. 

To all my readers, thank you for continuing to visit my page.  I want to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year. 

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Glenway's Pre-Hearing - Ice Bergs Ahead

The December 10th pre-hearing for the Marrianeville Development of the Glenway Golf Course property could not have gone worse for the residents of the Glenway community.

Ruth Victor, the outside consultant hired by the town but subsequently had her very reasonable recommendations rejected by council (namely 1) reject the without prejudice offer, and 2) keep negotiating with the developer) in a dramatic unanimous vote at the Newmarket Theatre, faced questions from both sides yesterday.

The result of the questioning saw the OMB decide to hear details of the without prejudice offers as well as a decision to hear what testimony from the Town's own staff planners.  The lawyer for the Town of Newmarket argued against both but failed to convince the chairperson. 

In his blog, Ward 7 Councillor tried to downplay these decisions by limiting his insight to just three sentences on the subject.  I am sure that Glenway homeowners will need a whole lot more detail from him to explain the potential impact of these most serious setbacks for the Newmarket side. 

Don't be fooled by the attempt at positive spin around right to argue the principle of development.  The Town of Newmarket lawyer will need a miracle to make that argument stick.  And based on how dastardly the council treated the well-respected Ms. Victor at the public meeting, I can't imagine too many professionals in her industry are lining up to take on what will almost certainly be akin to captaining the Titanic. 

The Town has approximately 90 days to get a case together.  This might seem like plenty of time but keep in mind, Ruth Victor's report took almost 2 years to create.  (Not to mention it was delivered approximately 6-months too late which is why this mess is in front of the OMB). 

I don't see a silver lining in yesterday's meeting.  Maybe those who think they do see one were confused by tinsel hanging with the Christmas decorations. 

There are ice bergs ahead and now is not the time for politicians like John Taylor and Chris Emanuel to downplay the significance of the evidential ruling. 

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Really? You want me to comment?

My daily blog visit numbers are going through the roof today

I expect that certain people are probably visiting my site multiple times to see if or when I'll comment on yesterday's proceedings.  I appreciate your interest. 

Three comments:

1) I didn't see the proceedings yet.  Unfortunately, I just couldn't get the on-line webcast to work for me.

2) Being the holiday season, I'm getting busy at work, (thankfully and on a side note, never mind the construction folks, Davis Drive shopping is still the place to be).  I'll have to watch your twitter feeds to keep me up to date.

3) From what I've heard, this masterpiece from Sue Dewar circa 2007 sums up my thoughts nicely. 

Stay tuned.  It's going to be a very long and arduous 2014 re-election campaign for multiple incumbents. 

PS - I got a ROTFL moment from reading Gordon Prentice's blog-o-tainment summary of yesterday's meeting when he chastised Maddie Di Muccio's children for reading a prepared script.  That's HILARIOUS because I bet they got the idea from Councillors Vegh, Twinney, Hempen, Sponga, et al.  These Councillor's have been reading lines written for them by "Double-Standard" (the team of Van Bynen/ Taylor) all term. 

Who says these Council members can't be role models for children? 

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Dirty Tricks in Newmarket Politics Pt 2

Dear Gordon,

I want to wish you all the best of the holiday season to you and yours. 

I hope you don't take this as vanity when I tell you that people like me and Steve Berman in Collingwood are really good at what we do.  You should aspire to have a blog that achieves the standard that we have set. 

It takes great discipline to achieve this standard.  One place where I never cut corners is on fact checking.  You see, I have read poll results that suggest that many people don't have faith in bloggers because we are not seen as credible.  I take it as a personal challenge to change that perception.

I have great pride in the attention I pay to details.  You should too.  You are a very good writer but your blog needs to be more fact based.  Otherwise, you are simply entertainment for people like me.

I could very easily provide the link to Maddie Di Muccio's twitter post about fake twitter accounts -- but that would be like giving a man a fish as opposed to teaching a man how to fish.  I think you need to do a bit of the grunt work yourself.  (If you are inexperienced with Google searches, I'm sure that if you ask Ms. Di Muccio she will confirm this is a fake account for you).

Remember, to always check and then double check your source.  Don't trust the first answer you receive because it "fits" the narrative you want to write about.  And never ignore that contradicting piece of information you find because it will come back to haunt your credibility if you do.

I sincerely hope that you will use this advice to improve your craft.  I hope you continue to contribute to your blog but please do your best to step up your own personal standards. 

Yours in blogging,


PS - I trust that you will continue in your quest to unmask me.  I hope that this little mis-step hasn't discouraged you from this adventure.  I do very much enjoy this little game of "Guess Who".  And further more, I hope you also continue to read my blog for the latest on what is going on related to Newmarket Council and will become a better informed citizen as a result. Please feel free to use the comments section of my blog if you wish to join in the discussion of any posting.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

"Free" WiFi service? Who benefits?

When is a new municipal service not really a service at all?

Yesterday. the Town of Newmarket and members of the council breathlessly announced a new "service" to residents.  "FREE WiFi" the twitter account of the Town of Newmarket exclaimed. 

Ah, but read the fine print.

Are they offering this WiFi in places where residents actually congregate and spend any amount of time?

For example, maybe they decided to install the "Free" WiFi at the Community Centre and River Walk Commons.  People seem to congregate there.  Sadly, no.

What about the Youth Centre, where kids with cell phones would certainly appreciate not having to use up their data minutes to text and play games.  No, there is no "Free" WiFi there either.

Maybe seniors on fixed incomes would enjoy access to "Free" WiFi.  We all know that the costs of home Internet service is ever increasing so this would make good sense to help those on fixed means stay connected to the Internet.  But sadly, no that isn't where the "Free" Internet will be installed. 

The installation is going into a facility where ordinary residents rarely congregate and hardly ever visit -- The municipal office at 395 Mulock Drive. 

So if the Town of Newmarket is offering this fantastic new service for "Free" and investing reportedly $50,000 to make it happen, why is the service being installed in the one facility rarely every visited by ordinary residents?

Because the service isn't meant for ordinary residents. 

Like the $30,000 coffee budget, this money is just another perk of employment being offered to the employees of the Town of Newmarket although disguised as a expanded service for you and me. 

Town employees enjoy surfing the web like everyone else but they resent having to spend their own money to do it.  So, no more going on line via a cell phone data plan, these employees can now surf for free. 

Too bad that residents who use the River Walk Commons, Community Centre, Youth Centre, and Senior Centre aren't as fortunate.  For those folks there is no such thing as "Free" WiFi.

Welcome to Newmarket under the auspices of the Old Boys Club.  Free WiFI is a great idea.  So why not install it where ordinary people can access it?

Monday, 2 December 2013

Dirty tricks have already begun in the Newmarket 2014 election

I am not sure if it resonated with my readers just how devious and, frankly unethical, it is to run a decoy candidate in a municipal election. 

Running a decoy candidate only makes sense in a municipal election because there are no parties.  In a municipal election, a candidate runs on his/ her good name. 

For a decoy to work, the decoy candidate accepts he/she has no chance in actually winning.  The decoy's only job is to create so much fuss as to distract from real issues to gang up on a legitimate candidate and ensure that person is defeated. 

Let's take Newmarket for example. 

Incumbent Mayor Van Bynen, doesn't like his chances when he comes face to face with the following real issues:

1. seven consecutive years of tax hikes under his administration
2.  unscheduled closings of a number of town owned facilities due to emergency maintenance repairs
3.  bloated staff numbers with extravagant "perks" that the average Joe doesn't get through private sector employment
4.  major traffic foul ups through VivaNext on Davis Drive and soon to be on Yonge Street too
5.  major employers have packed up and left town for greener pastures
6.  cost over runs with the Magna Centre construction and the Old Town Hall
7.  the fiasco of closed door meetings - particularly with the Soccer Club bailout
8.  York Region having the highest per capita public debt of any region in the country
9.  water rates rising beyond affordability despite community conservation efforts
10. tense labour issues at the NPL, Viva, and York Region

Instead, he gets a decoy to set up shop and has him start to sling mud at every perceived threat to Mayor Van Bynen's incumbency -- namely Regional Councillor Taylor and Ward 6 Councillor Maddie Di Muccio. 

The advantage of the decoy candidate is that Tony Van Bynen is one-person removed from any mudslinging going on.  He believes the decoy will preserve his image that he isn't personally involved in the dirty politics taking place.  In reality nothing is further from the truth as the decoy is very much under the thumb of his master.  

At the same time, this decoy is very careful to make sure that none of the mud being tossed about actually sticks to Tony Van Bynen.  The decoy refuses to make even the slightest sound of criticism of Mayor Van Bynen's record even though he shares the same side of many of the issues the decoy is critical of with the Mayor's opponents. 

And to a limited degree, the task of the decoy candidate has enjoyed some limited success.  In the case of Regional Councillor John Taylor, he immediately backed off announcing that he will not be challenging Tony Van Bynen at the next election. 

Astute readers will note that the decoy's attacks on Regional Councillor Taylor have greatly subsided since the Regional Councillor has made that announcement.  The reason for this is simple, it is not about winning the Regional Councillor election that has the decoy in the race, it is about making sure that Tony Van Bynen is re-elected. 

I think Maddie Di Muccio is made of stronger stuff though.  If I am reading the tea leaves correctly, Maddie is not likely going to back down so Newmarket residents can expect a fair bit of mud-slinging and dirty politics from Tony Van Bynen's corner.  I personally believe if Maddie sticks to the script and keeps the focus on the 10 items above, no amount of mud will save Van Bynen's campaign. 

On the weekend, the mudslinging turned nasty and it caused me to do some fact checking on the decoy's allegations.

Lets shed some light on the allegations being spread by Mayor Van Bynen's decoy candidate:

The Decoy Candidate tweetedThe Cybersquatting issue can be looked up and proven at anytime via whois. It is fact. Media reported on it with video

And also tweetedShe renewed the domains after getting caught cybersquatting and blaming her husband for it. Her baggage as bad as anyone.

And finally:  Could you please follow up with Councillor Di Muccio and see if Tom Vegh's domains ever returned to him?

I took the decoy's advice and checked on Whois to see for myself.  What I found was an abundance of domain names available for purchase.  It seems the allegations that domain names were renewed is just a lie

Here is a partial list of related domain names currently available for purchase by anyone interested.
Here is another allegation made by Tony Van Bynen's decoy candidate:
The decoy candidate tweets:  Fact she attacks me, shows she cannot get along with anyone. One of the hardest people to get along with in North America.
Let's test that allegation too. 

By Newmarket standards, Maddie Di Muccio is a media darling who has been a commentator on every major network in the region:  CBC, Global, CityTV, TVO, SunNews, CFRB, and AM640 to name a few.
Being experienced with the media myself, I can tell you that you don't get to be a commentator by being a jerk.  TV and Radio stations want charming commentators who are engaging to their audience.  Jerks make viewers and listeners change stations. 
Certainly, Tony Van Bynen himself would find her to be "difficult to get along with" because she challenges him on his record.  But that doesn't mean she is a jerk.  In fact, I surmise quite the opposite based on her media exposure. So saying that Maddie is "one of the hardest people to get along with in North America", is just a lie.

Which brings me to the next allegation.

The decoy candidate tweets:  is a member of Newmarket Council. Doesn't even bother denying that accusation anymore. Author gave themselves away yesterday!

And If you used your real name you would be sued for slander. Avoiding lawsuits & sitting on Council is reason you are anonymous.

This one is easy to disprove.  As I post this, Council is being televised on Rogers channel 10.  The more observant of you will notice that none of the sitting council members seem to be in the course of writing this blog during their council meeting (unless they deployed the Saddam Hussein tactic of sending a look-alike to official events). 

This yarn goes way off into the realm of fantasy but perhaps the idea that someone on Council other than Tony Van Bynen has public support scares the Tony Van Bynen campaign team witless. 

Why would any council member be concerned with legal action when each enjoys limited privilege in the eyes of the law?  The decoy candidate has mixed up slander for libel (how precocious of him) but a municipal councillor is well protected under the law against actions of slander.  None of them have any need to be shielded by an anonymous blog should they be so inclined to want to cross that line. 

This too is just another obvious lie.

A streak of three malicious, bold faced lies over the course of just a few hours on a Sunday afternoon shouldn't go unanswered.  But what are ordinary citizens to do?

Here are a few of my suggestions:

1) Don't disassociate the decoy candidate from the person he works for.  If you catch the decoy candidate in the act of dirty politics make sure you lay the blame squarely at the feet of the one responsible -- Mayor Tony Van Bynen.  The public needs to see the "Wizard" hiding behind the curtain.  If Van Bynen intends to play dirty, it should only be him and not his proxy, getting the muck on his hands. 

2) If you have an issue with anything published by this decoy candidate, take it up with Mayor Van Bynen directly.  It only serves to Mayor Van Bynen's purposes for this decoy candidate be treated similarly to any legitimate candidate. 

3) Make sure that your friends, neighbours, and co-workers, and people who respect and cherish democracy are aware of the dirty politics being played in Newmarket by the Van Bynen campaign team.  Democracy is too valuable and fragile to let it fall underfoot of unscrupulous candidates.  The decoy candidate is one of the dirtiest tricks that can be played. 

4) Keep talking about real issues, like the 10 I listed initially.  These are the subject matter of our election and shouldn't be obfuscated by feigned drama and fuss.  We love our town.  We want it to become better.