Sunday, 17 November 2013

$100's of Millions Later - The Buses are Still Empty

"The buses are empty!"

When people are asked about public transit in Newmarket, that is the typical response received. 

Personally, I think we have an excellent public transit system locally.  Due to our population density and size of town (approximately 20 square kilometers in all), its easy to get around town by bus.  It is only the cost of a bus trip relative to what I pay for the convenience of owning a car that keeps me behind the wheel at all.  If the YRT could figure out a way to make the cost of transit a bit cheaper, I would be one of those who would give up my car in favour of the bus. 

But like many in Newmarket, I fail to see the "upgrade" we are getting with the Davis Drive rapidway (termed VivaNext locally) relative to the $100million tab being spent on the project. 

Who is going to ride this route?

And that is the question that must be answered before the mistake is repeated along Yonge St. (between Davis Drive and Mulock).  Before we spend another $100million+, why don't we take a few months to determine if the local commuters want this service? 

As it is, VivaNext is planning to proceed with the Yonge bus rapidway starting in early 2014.  You can read all about the next steps in the project here:

I don't know who is driving this project ahead without due diligence but we do know who sits on York Region's Transportation Services Committee -- Newmarket Mayor Tony Van Bynen. 

Like so many of his other projects (Magna Centre, Old Town Hall just to name a couple) spending tax payer money frivolously and without prior knowledge of public demand for the intended services seems to be the hallmark of his term as Mayor. 

How much longer will Mayor Van Bynen continue to spend without any regard for the taxpayer's ability to pay? 

Why are we building rapidway bus lanes that lead to nowhere? 

How much longer are taxpayers going to abide with spending hundreds of millions of public funds toward empty buses? 

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