Disgraced Senator Pamela Wallin's hometown of Wadena, Saskatchewan (pop. 1500) is considering the appropriateness of naming a local street after her. This debate was prompted by an auditor's report which suggests Senator Wallin inappropriately received reimbursements from the public coffers totalling $140,000. The auditors' report was released earlier this week.
In Newmarket Ontario, we have our own "hometown" shame in serial child molester, Dr. Owen Slingerland who has also been inappropriately honoured for his so-called "contributions to the community" with a street naming.
In Newmarket, nobody (except this blog), is chomping at the bit to re-name the street that is located in Councillor Chris Emanuels ward 7, (how fitting).
Unfortunately, that is how we do things in Newmarket under the direction of Mayor Tony Van Bynen.
This mayor seems more concerned with preventing any sort of embarrassment to a beloved convicted child molester. He pays no mind to the emotional pain Dr. Slingerland's four male victims are living with. The victim impact statements related to his sentencing hearing in July were heart wrenchinginly clear as two brothers spoke about the emotional trauma they experienced at the hands of a man who was a trusted friend of their family. I applaud the brother who chastised those in the community who, despite the conviction, turned out at the court house in support of the "good" doctor. Council, having done nothing about this matter, is no better.
Our community is better than that. Our hearts and our actions should take us to the only reasonable next step - renaming the street immediately.
But that is the way this mayor has always handled things.
When Councillor Emanuel plead guilty in Newmarket Court to criminal charges (2 years ago yesterday), the Mayor and his allies were tripping all over themselves to downplay and excuse his criminal actions. Their comments in support of Councillor Emanuel depict a very dark day in this Town's history when they failed to stand up for what's right choosing instead to back their friend who deserved our scorn but received praise instead.
It was the same when the York Region Women's Centre named Councillor Emanuel a "Star" last Hallowe'en ignoring the well established links between alcohol abuse and violence against women.
Really? This man is supposed to be a good role model for our community? Someone that women are supposed to look up to?
Can't we do better?
Some would argue about the relativeness between expense account abuse, child sexual abuse, and alcohol abuse. I say when it crosses the line into criminality, relativity doesn't matter.
Character matters. Always. Integrity matters. Every time.
Wadena Saskatchewan with its population of 1500, gets it. Newmarket with its population of 85,000 people, doesn't.
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