There is something very deceitful in way Regional Councillor and current Deputy Mayor John Taylor replied to a reporter’s inquiry in this article:
Quote:I can’t judge the appropriateness of this vis-a-vis election conduct,” Taylor said on behalf of the town when asked if the advertisement breached council’s code of conduct. “I’m not saying there is an issue or not, but there are processes to address it if need be.”
The sneakiness in his non-answer is that he doesn’t challenge the premise of the question. Taylor knows full well that there is no issue with the code of conduct by placing an ad about budget related matters.
How can I know this for certain? To wit, in October 2012 Taylor mailed postcards to all residences in Newmarket highlighting two budget related issues that were important to him.
Yet his “I can’t judge” response to the reporter (when he should have replied: “I know for certain, it does not”) shows Taylor to be dishonest in his response, and displays a lack of character on his part.
Taylor’s deceit relies upon context for its effect: by not answering the question with a definitive “no” presupposes something isn’t already known about this imagined controversy. It is clear to me that Taylor’s postcards were essentially the same tactic as the ad taken out in the Era last week. So why is Taylor being so coy with his response? And will anyone be fooled?