Monday, 9 January 2012

The Regional Councillor's Record So Far

Continuing the on-going series assessing the job performance of our municipal politicians and whether they are delivering on their campaign promises, our focus this week falls on Regional Councillor John Taylor. (Special Note: As a blog dedicated to Newmarket, (and not York Region), I am focusing this assessment on his work for the Town of Newmarket).

Like Mayor Van Bynen, Regional Councillor Taylor did not have to campaign in 2010. His opponent, Cheryl Richman, did not post a single campaign sign to challenge him. 

Although he didn't have a credible challenger, Taylor did provide us with the following list of "priorities":

1) Growth
2) Environment
3) Trails
4) Taxes and Debts
5) Social Planning
6) Recreation and Leisure

In writing about his Growth priority, Regional Councillor Taylor focusses on preserving our neighbourhoods, which is a striking "anti-growth" message. In fact, the only positive points he can muster about growth is the enjoyment he personally receives from new restaurants and shops. Newmarket has been designated in the Places To Grow Act to assigned, specific growth and densification targets of 25,000+ new residents within the next 10 years. Taylor's comments are akin to the ostrich sticking his head in the sand to avoid a predator.   

Since being elected, Regional Councillor Taylor has been active in the anti-Glenway dispute including his controversial support of paying $65,000 in "special consultant" fees to review the Kirbel Group's re-development application of the golf course.

Regarding the Environment, the Town of Newmarket has a committee called the Newmarket Environmental Advisory Committee. Regional Councillor Taylor is not a member of this committeee but another councillor is. One would think that someone who lists the Environment as one of his priorities would be contributing to the work of the Environmental Advisory Committee. 

On the matter of Trails, Newmarket has a committee called the Nokiidaa Committee. John Taylor is not a member of this committee but another councillor is. One would think that someone who lists Trails as one of his priorities would be contributing to the work of the Nokiidaa Committee.

On the matter of Taxes and Debts, Newmarket has a committee called the Audit Committee. Taylor is not a member of this committee but three other council members are. One would think that someone who lists Taxes and Debts as one of his priorities would be contributing to the work of the Audit Committee. 

On the matter of Social Planning, Newmarket has a committee called the Inclusivity Advisory Committee. Regional Councillor Taylor is not a member of this committee but two other council members are. One would think that someone who lists Social Planning as one of his priorities would be contributing to the work of the Inclusivity Advisory Committee.

On the matter of Recreation and Leisure, strangely, Newmarket does not have any committee relating to this. However, if Regional Councillor considers Recreation and Leisure to be one of his priorities, then why has he not already offered to create and participate on such a committee?  

I apologize for the repetitive nature of this assessment but I mean to illustrate that Regional Councillor Taylor appears to be promising much and contributing nothing to Newmarket towards his stated priorities. Why is he avoiding the drudgery of committee work and leaving the important decisions to others? I have no problem with what he lists as his priorities but ratepayers in Newmarket expect that he would act on his priorities.  Its a lot of big talk and little action.

Speaking of "big talk", a visit of Regional Councillor Taylor's web site ( gives the impression that he is in full campaign mode. His web site is entirely geared towards garnering support for the next election. He puts a lot of effort into recording every mention made of him in the media but there are scant details about his views on current issues (save for the transit strike). Ratepayers would remind Regional Councillor Taylor that the campaign is years away and there is much (committee) work that needs to be tackled beforehand. 

Do you want another example to illustrate John Taylor's shortcomings as a municipal politician?  Earlier this year he promised to report his expenses quarterly via his web site. He has not kept that promise and this is yet another example of his big talk/no action problem. 

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