Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Should I continue?

My blog is now in its eighth year. I started it as a way to inform Newmarket taxpayers about the lies and distortions published by the Newmarket Era while the paper continues to ignore more serious news.

After publishing 50+ blog postings each year, and slowly chipping away at the credibility of the Newmarket Era and the exaggerated fluffing of the gruesome twosome, I see that, (on social media at least), people are coming around to my perspective.

The Newmarket Era has continually betrayed our community's trust to report honestly and factually on the affairs of our Town Council.

I remain embarrassed for the Newmarket Era each time it arrives at the end of my driveway.

I am angered each time I think that my exorbitantly high property taxes are handed over to the Newmarket Era as a form of corporate welfare to keep it afloat. I get angry even still when I recall that John Taylor's wife's gets an executive salary to take home as a result of this corporate welfare. And when I think of the additional garbage pick up costs we all assume as a result of the Newmarket Era filling our blue boxes each week with unwanted, unnecessary junk flyers (why aren't they distributed on line only?) I am frustrated even more.

But do I need to continue to beat this dead horse? Has my blog run its course? If we all know agree that the Newmarket Era has lost its credibility by becoming the propaganda arm of the gruesome twosome, then what role is there left for the Newmarket Town Hall Watch blog?