Friday, 18 July 2014

Ward 6 Candidate Kelly Broome Plumley? You have some explaining to do ...

Editor's Note:  The following blog post is not written by Nwkt Town Hall Watch.  It is attributed to the John4Newmarket Tumblr page and John Blommesteyn (originally published on June 23, 2014).  It is being reprinted here in the public interest as Kelly Broome Plumley is a candidate for Newmarket Town Counci:



Elect John Blommesteyn Newmarket Town Council

One of the most important prerequisites for elected office are our values.  When circumstances call for tough decisions, the community must have faith that the moral fibre of our elected representatives remains strong.  This faith in our elected officials is the foundation of our democracy. 
It goes without saying that plagiarism is bad.  But if a candidate for Town Council plagiarizes in a section of her website entitled “My Values”, can she be trusted?  Taking another author’s work word-for-word and claiming them as her own is simply wrong. 
The top photo comes from Newmarket Ward 6 candidate Kelly Broome Plumley’s web page.  The bottom photo comes from the Go Daddy template that I purchased to set up my own page.  Clearly, Ms. Broome Plumley has some explaining to do about the section entitled, ”My Values” on her web page
I am proud to say that I don’t need to take my list of values from another author.  And Newmarket residents can rest easy knowing that you can rely on my value set to lead us to a prosperous future. 

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Christina Bisanz: Giving voters the opportunity that Chris Emanuel denied them

I know that I am not in the minority when I admit that I was disappointed when Chris Emanuel decided not to seek re-election because he denied the voters here the opportunity to vote him out of office. 

And so today I am happy to see Christina Bisanz (former President of the Glenway Preservation Association) put her name forward as a municipal candidate. 

This is the moment that Newmarket voters have been waiting for. 

Newnarket taxpayers are disgusted when they learn that the Town of Newmarket wasted approximately $1,000,000 to fight -- and lose -- the Marianneville development project at the OMB.  The Town's refusal to negotiate with the developer cost Glenway residents dearly and Christina Bisanz is one of the most visible "masterminds" behind that doomed strategy.   

And let's be clear that $1,000,000 is not an insignificant sum of money to waste in the town of Newmarket.  It could have been put to better use building splash pads in every corner of the town, for example.  It is a lot of money to waste on lawyers and consultants without any actual return benefiting the people of Newmarket.

With Christina Bisanz in the race, voters can now put a face to the $1,000,000 Glenway/OMB fiasco and cast their vote in favour of the wasting this money or against it. 

(With the final property tax bills coming due, it isn't hard to imagine your own portion of that $1,000,000 tab). 

So thank you, Christina Bisanz, for giving Newmarket voters the opportunity that Chris Emanuel denied them.  I am certain that with her in the race, voter turnout is going to near 100% as voters vent their anger at the ballot box. 

Thursday, 3 July 2014

What to do if you are a Newmarket-Aurora PC member?

Picture someone turning on the kitchen lights in a run down house and watching the cockroaches scurry for dark corners.  This analogy cannot be one that the local Ontario PC'ers want connected to them.

Yet, is there a more apt way of describing this?:

Councillor Maddie Di Muccio has every right to be furious.  She has been falsely accused of criminal activity.  I hope that she channels her anger to making some real changes in the local political scene. 

The grass roots members of the local PC Party should be even more furious.  This so-far-unnamed-MPP who is hiding in the dark corners, has schemed and plotted to ensure that local democracy was subverted/ hijacked.  

If the unnamed-MPP responsible for pressuring Mr. Somerville continues to sit within caucus (which I personally doubt), he/she needs to be exposed for their undemocratic behaviour and unceremoniously dumped from caucus.  There is no way for the PC Party to escape its dirty Tim Hudak past if new leader Jim Wilson and party president Richard Ciano leave this matter uninvestigated and festering like an open wound. 

Mr. Somerville has been exposed as a snake.  He issued a press release saying that his family was threatened but if you read today's article, Mr. Somerville did not repeat that claim.  Now he says he dropped out of the race, "to minimize the harm caused to his family, reputation and career", says the article's author. 

A threat is a criminal act punishable with jail time.  Public embarrassment caused as a result of being a terribly flawed candidate for public office, is not a matter for either the police or the courts.  Mr. Somerville would be wise to remember this truth. 

The eventual acclaimed candidate, and subsequent loser, isn't named in the article but her presence behind the scenes can be clearly felt.  Nobody believed that Jane Twinney would prevail over either Somerville or Di Muccio in a fair and open vote.  Twinney's only chance of winning the nomination was through stabbing her competitors in the back, and that is exactly what she set out to do.  The fact that she lost this long-held, never-voted-any-way-other-than-PC seat is a testament to the wisdom of the voting public which simply didn't accept Twinney as an authentic conservative. 

And for anyone who believes that the outcome of the Newmarket-Aurora went Liberal in the last election had anything to do with this undemocratic candidate selection, I say, you are wrong.  The PC'ers lost because they ran a bad campaign with a really bad candidate.  Jane Twinney could not sell Tim Hudak's platform because she isn't actually a conservative. 

Jane Twinney's voting record on Newmarket Council is to the left of the political spectrum.  She never passed up a chance to tax and spend and abuse her position to block transparency.  When she tried to do a 180, voters simply never bought her act. 

My advice to the local PC'ers is simple: the PC'ers need to distance themselves from the charlatans associated with Frank Klees and his gang of dunder-heads.  Recognize that Klees's jealousy caused the party to back the wrong candidate and lose the Newmarket-Aurora seat to the Liberals. 

The local PC'ers need to move beyond Frank Klees and make peace with the Newmarket Councillor who should have been the party's candidate. The riding needs to rebuild.  If you don't take my advice, it won't be too long for the Newmarket-Aurora riding to become a Liberal-stronghold just like the rest of York Region.