Thursday, 6 June 2013

Professionalism in Politics A though Z

I recently read a cliche riddled tweet from a candidate for Newmarket council that promised 'professionalism' if elected.   

It is a good word, 'professionalism', as it conjures up a number of attributes that I think are missing from the current council.  And while this isn't meant as an endorsement for the candidate who tweeted it, because I won't endorse anyone before I know what the field of candidates will be, it is a good opportunity to see how certain incumbents measure up. 

A - Accountable:  When a local councillor was convicted of a crime, Mayor Tony Van Bynen held him accountable by stating firmly and unequivocally that this councillor should resign.  Too bad he was speaking about Markham politician Jim Jones and not our local disgrace, Chris Emanuel.  Read more here:

B - Bears Responsibility - When she felt so strongly that a vote taken in secret was wrong, that she risked her reputation by exposing the vote, Councillor Di Muccio humbly accepted and bore responsibility for her decision to publicize the vote.  When a closed door meeting investigator agreed with Councillor Di Muccio that this vote was improper, Council has yet to show it bears responsibility for mercilessly dragging Councillor Di Muccio's good name through the mud. 

C - Credible - Yeah, I got no good examples on this one.

D- Determined - For a rookie who has no allies on Council that she can rely on, Councillor Di Muccio has demonstrated that she can be driving force to move the agenda for responsible government ahead.  She is the epitome of what a determined opposition member should be.

E -  Exercises self control.  Drinking to a blood alcohol content that was more than double the legal limit while representing his constituents at a VIP party, Councillor Emanuel embarrassed the community.  Self control?  Learn from his crime.

F - Forgiving - When Council apologizes to Councillor Di Muccio for the integrity commissioner report and public reprimand, it will be interesting to see how forgiving she will be.

G - Giving - There are too many examples of council members donating money to local causes for me to list here.  Too bad they are using tax payer funds and not opening their own wallets to donate though.  I guess it is easier to give away other people's money.

H - Hears All Sides - Ah Glenway.  What was the Vice President of Marianneville Developments saying in the Toronto Star today?  "I've never been in a situation where there really was no possibility of having a dialogue."  Good work, Mr. Mayor and Councillors.

I - Independent - It is too bad this Council did not opt to purchase voting recording equipment when it had the chance to do so.  It would be interesting to tabulate how many votes were 9-0, vs. 8-1, vs. any other combination.  I think we would be surprised to see how independently minded this group is... Not.

K - Knows that Family is Important - This Council appreciates the children in the community.  That's why we don't have sprinkler pads or turf fields but we do have two underpasses of the Tom Taylor Trailer at Davis Drive to the cost of millions in tax payer funds to construct them. 

L - Loyal - Dr. Owen Slingerland was convicted as a serial child molester.  Embarrassingly, Newmarket named a street after him.  However, being truly loyal is a rare thing so never mind his victims and the hue and cry of an outraged public, the Town keeps silent on Slingerland's crimes and the street name remains. 

M - Maintains - Maintenance is importance and a leader who purports to be a professional is always looking to make sure everything is kept in best form.  That is why this Council, without waiting for a completed report from its own consultant, has decided to keep its reserve fund in the best shape possible by taking a second tax increase from residents this year. 

N - Networks Well - Like how the Town of Newmarket employee used the Internet network to Skype her presentation at the Vancouver FCM conference while 4 council members flew in and "networked" at the expense of the Newmarket taxpayers. 

P - Planner - By getting the 2014 budget planning out of the way this year, and announcing their tax increases in 2013 rather than during a re-election campaign, this Council is planning to capitalize on the short memories of the voting public. 

R - Respectful - When this Council made a big deal about naming a park after Frank Stronach, the man who Regional Councillor John Taylor was employed by when he worked with Stronach's electric bicycle company, it showed due respect to one of their most important benefactors.  Taylor was even willing to fore go conflict of interest rules to make sure he cast his vote in favour of it. 

S - Saving - The battle over keeping their green slush funds and tax free salary was epic.  In the end, only Councillor Di Muccio was against saving these valuable perks that Council members are entitled to. 

T - Transparent - I recall once that this Council voted to broadcast its meetings to the Internet.  That would seem transparent.  I'm sure it will be when they get around to actually doing it. 

V - Vision - High rises approved to be built in what are already the busiest locations in town adding to the current traffic congestion and worsening commute times because of the construction of bus lanes.  Yes, I am sure there is a vision in there somewhere within these plans.

W - Willing to Change - A good example is the rush to change the face of historic Main St. through the senseless re-development of the Clock Tower building.  Nothing like a modern multi story building neighbouring heritage buildings and nowhere to park residents' cars.

Z - Zzzzzz - as in the good deep sleep certain Councillors get when they sit on their hands during Council meetings.  I can't read minds but I am positive that only Taylor and Di Muccio can be counted upon to be prepared to contribute at every meeting.  Some others are intermittently tuning in if the topic concerns them personally.  Others won't say a thing once the community announcements are read at the beginning of the meeting.  Even the community announcement has been scripted for them.