Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Review of Councillor Twinney in 2011

What the residents of Ward 3 need to know about Councillor Jane Twinney is encapsulated in the November 28, 2011 town council meeting.  Here is the link.  You will have to move the cursor forward to the 1:24 (one hour twenty four minute) point which is about 2/3 of the way through.  What you will see is the Madam Clerk asking Ms. Twinney for clarification on a motion she is tabling.  At first Councillor Twinney looks surprised and you will see her eyes dart left and right as she tries to find the right words.  Then she starts speaking very slowly, pausing with ah's and um's between each word.  You'll have to turn the volume up to hear it, but you can clearly hear Regional Councillor John Taylor telling her what to say. The money shot is when he says, "recorded" and she repeats it. 

The very sad truth for residents of Ward 3 is that you don't have your own Councillor.  You have someone who is a parrot for the Regional Councillor and the Mayor.  I don't imagine that this is what Ward 3 residents had in mind when they marked their ballots.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Ward 3 Councillor Record After 1 Year in Office - Preview

Dear Loyal Readers,

The series that reviews Newmarket Council members record for keeping campaign promises will continue shortly.  The next up is Ward 3 Councillor Twinney.  Here is a brief "preview" to whet your appetites:

Councillor Twinney

The candidate said it would be great,
If she were to shake things up at Town Hall
But once elected we saw her capitulate
She joined the "Good Old Boys" after all

She promised to blog about her expenses,
And write about her votes and her thought.
Her website is only updated on rare instances,
Her promise broken, all for naught.

In her first year we've been disappointed,
With her lack of any real substance.
Our faith in her was sadly mis-appointed,
Wished we gave Victor another chance.